The Last Librarian

I am grateful.

Bauris T, Ph.D
Published in
4 min readJun 18, 2024


A librarian sits alone at a desk in a dimly lit library, surrounded by tall shelves filled with books, with soft light streaming in through large windows.
Image by Midjourney

The world outside has grown quiet.

The autumn leaves whisper their final goodbyes as the chill of winter settles in.

Within the stillness, an old library stands silently, tucked away among other aging buildings. Dust floats in the evening light, streaming through tall windows. Rows of wooden shelves filled with books waiting patiently.

Near the entrance, an elderly woman sits at her desk, wearing a knitted cardigan over a neatly pressed blouse, surrounded by faded papers and leather bindings.

A gentle, reflective smile on her face, she picks up her pen.

November 26, 2054

Dear Journal,

It’s hard to believe this is my last week here. It makes sense. So few ever come by anymore. It’s lonely sometimes.

I remember when every corner was filled with people. Children with their parents picking out books, older patrons enjoying the newspaper, teenagers studying.

It felt like we were the heart of the community. It’s different now.

Every story is now online, every imagination digitally written. I wonder, though, if we’ve lost the beauty of discovering something imperfect, something…



Bauris T, Ph.D

Clinical Chemist | Father of Two | Exploring AI's Impact on Health and Well-being |