The Return to Story

When AI can’t be trusted



People sitting on a dock by a river, sharing stories
Photo Credit: Canva

What if the effect of AI is that we can’t trust it? What if, ultimately, it can’t discern truth from fiction? What if AI can unwittingly lie? What if it learns this from us?

What if we humans lose our own discernment? What if, as a result of reliance and isolation, we start to believe in lies?

What, then — when we don’t know who to trust out there in the Interweb of Artificial Things? What if we have no choice, but to return to each other?

What if we return to each other’s stories? What if we rely on our lived experience? What if we heed the hearts of our elders? What if we listen to our own intuition?

What if, in a world of meaningless words, we have to rely on our senses? What if we have to trust our guts? What if this leads to healthy digestion?What if our healthy bodies and healthy minds manifest healthy souls?

What if the proliferation of AI eventually restores humanity to humanity? What is we become the cloaked ones, wandering through deserts, with the memory of a good green earth, and the story of a force?

Would we meet each other on the road of Cormac MacCarthy’s imagination? Would we act out the plays of the movies that colored our adolescent minds?




I write about the human experience with a scoop of perspective and dash of humor. Follow me down the rabbit hole!