Xanthia 2.0

The robot companions weren’t programmed to get angry… or so the company said.

Jeff Hayward
Published in
6 min readJun 11, 2024


From author using Midjourney

She arrived at his door in the early afternoon.

She was sleek, energetic, and knew how to hold a conversation.

And that’s not all.

She was everything he had read about on the company website. Sure, she cost $116,000, but when was the last time he had bought himself something nice?

His girlfriend didn’t know about her. But in the year 2064, pretty much everyone has an artificial intelligence companion. They’re not just for what you think they’re for.

Adults of all ages order these life-like robots to play chess with, to run them a hot bath, to remind them to take medications. Most of the robots are aesthetically pleasing, resembling Hollywood stars. Others were customized to look like someone they knew.

He named her Xanthia. He called her Xanth for short. She knew her name, and responded to it. She could read his body language, and act accordingly. That’s whatever you might think it means.

He had owned her for almost three months now. He knew her inside and out. You could say she had learned a lot about him too.

The communication between he and his human girlfriend, Shaylin, had dwindled of…



Jeff Hayward

Ex-reporter. AI critic. Nostalgia lover. Follow my publications Ai-Ai-OH and CanadEH.