Release 0.0.2 — Battle Mode, Bot Library, and more! Regression Games

Aaron Vontell
AI and Games — By Regression Games
3 min readNov 15, 2022

The Regression Games team is excited to announce our first release since the start of our play test, Release 0.0.2, The Battle Patch! We received a lot of great feedback from players and have been hard at work incorporating that feedback into our platform.

This release focused on more exciting game modes, easier bot writing, a better onboarding experience, and performance improvements. Let’s jump in!

P.S — Looking to try it out? Sign up at — we are sending out new invites every day!

Full patch notes:

Battle Mode

In our previous release, players were able to start building bots in practice mode by themselves. In this new release, we have introduced a multiplayer mode, where you can have your bots compete against others! We currently offer a 2v2 mode and 3v3 mode.

These bots that you play against are provided by Regression Games. In the future, we will be opening up a player vs player mode to compete against other humans. In the meantime, our system bots are at the top of the leaderboard. Can you take them down?

rg-bot Framework

Along with this new release, the team has released rg-bot, a framework for building Minecraft bots on Regression Games with a focus on simplicity and readability. This library adds a wide range of functions for interacting with the Minecraft world.

* Configure the bot to find 100 poppies. If it can't find poppies
* wander around randomly and try again
async function configureBot(bot) {
while (bot.getInventoryItemQuantity('Poppy') < 100) {
const collectedPoppy = await bot.findAndDigBlock('Poppy');
if (!collectedPoppy) {
await bot.wander();

We have functions for PVP ( attackEntity() and avoidEntity()), utilities for navigating and interacting with the world ( findBlock(), approachBlock(), placeBlock()), functions for interacting with your inventory ( equipBestHarvestTool(), craftItem()), and many more!

You can find the library here on npm, and it comes pre-installed on our bot templates. The framework is open source, and we would love to have contributors!


To get started with this new code, simply use one of our new templates when creating a bot:

A simple bot to collect poppies (worth 1 point each):

An example of how to perform actions such as crafting and interacting with chests:

An advanced example of how to customize movements, craft items, and place blocks:

New Onboarding Experience

The onboarding experience has been drastically improved in this release. GitHub and Minecraft account setup is done right away in a simpler manner, and a reference bot is created for you in your GitHub account. This means that you can jump in and get started with a match right away! Let us know what you think about this new flow in Discord.

Other Notable Improvements

In addition to the changes above, we have:

  • Performance — The Minecraft server should start up much faster now
  • Discussion — Various bug fixes to the forum page, such as emoji bugs
  • Bot status can now be seen when starting a match
  • The login page window can now be moved like an actual window 🤦
  • You can now end matches (useful in the event that a match gets stuck)

