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Hard Soles, and the Pleasures of the Clop Clop Sound

feel and hear the vibrations in your step

Michael Filimowicz, PhD
AI and Men’s Fashion
2 min readMar 8, 2024


There’s an undeniable charm to the clop clop sound of hard-soled dress shoes and boots as they make contact with the ground. This sound, distinctive and clear, offers a certain kind of pleasure and confidence that is markedly different from the muffled footsteps of rubber-soled footwear. In the world of menswear and fashion, where every detail is a statement, the choice of shoe sole speaks volumes about the wearer’s context and intentions.

While thick rubber soles, common in sneakers and hiking boots, are undeniably practical for absorbing shock and providing comfort over long distances or rugged terrains, they lack the auditory charm of hard soles. Dress shoes and boots, with their polished appearance and firm soles, are not designed for the same purposes. Instead, they excel in environments where the walking distances are shorter — from home to car, car to office, or across the glossy floor of a fine dining restaurant.

The sound of hard soles on pavement or marble or wood flooring — that distinct clop clop — is more than just an auditory experience; it’s a form of announcement. Each step resonates with an assertion of presence: “I am here, I am coming, and I am on my way.” It’s a rhythm that not only signals arrival but also commands attention, setting the tone for the entrance of someone who is confident and assured in their style and demeanor.

Beyond the auditory appeal, there’s a tactile aspect to wearing hard-soled footwear. The direct transmission of vibrations from the ground through the sole to one’s feet provides a unique sense of connection to the earth beneath. Unlike rubber soles, which are designed to absorb and dissipate these vibrations, hard soles allow for a more intimate interaction with every step. This connection can foster a heightened sense of awareness and a more engaged experience with one’s surroundings.

While hard-soled shoes may not be the practical choice for every occasion, especially those requiring extended periods of walking or exposure to the elements, they offer a unique blend of style and sensory experience. They are ideal for contexts where appearance and impression are key, and the distances to be traversed are manageable. In such settings, the clop clop of hard soles not only complements the visual elegance of formal attire but also adds an auditory and tactile dimension to the wearer’s presence, enhancing their confidence and connection to their environment.

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