Wearing Watches Over Shirt Sleeves

Experiments in Extreme Convenience

Michael Filimowicz, PhD
AI and Men’s Fashion
2 min readMar 15, 2024


A curious trend has begun to capture spotlight: the practice of donning one’s watch over the shirt sleeve. This quirky style maneuver, while raising a few eyebrows, invites us to reconsider the norms of accessory placement, much like the eternal debate over how to properly showcase a pair of exquisite boots.

Let’s draw a parallel here with the boots and pants conundrum. When you’ve invested in a pair of boots that are the epitome of craftsmanship, hiding them beneath the hem of your trousers seems almost criminal. The solution? Tuck those pant legs in or roll them up to let those boots shine in their full glory. Similarly, why should a meticulously crafted timepiece lurk unseen beneath the folds of a shirt sleeve? It’s akin to burying treasure in your backyard; sure, it’s there, but what’s the point if no one can see it?

Wearing your watch over your sleeve is not just a statement; it’s a masterstroke of convenience. Imagine the ease of glancing at your wrist to tell the time without the cumbersome need to roll up your sleeve, particularly when you’re in the midst of life’s many acrobatics, like balancing on a bicycle or cradling a coffee cup. It’s about efficiency, and embracing the luxury of immediate time-telling without the added gymnastics.

Beyond the sheer utility, strapping your watch over your sleeve elevates it from a mere time-telling device to a pivotal element of your ensemble. It becomes a conversation starter, a piece of jewelry that complements your outfit, and a bold statement of individuality. In a world where blending in is the norm, this fashion choice sets you apart, showcasing your watch not just as a functional item but as an integral part of your style narrative.

Of course, this choice is not without its detractors, who may view it as a breach of traditional fashion etiquette. But then, fashion is as much about individual expression as it is about adhering to established norms. In the realm of style, rules are often more like guidelines, meant to be toyed with, tested, and sometimes, gleefully disregarded.

