How to Get Buy-In for Your Next HR AI Project

AI and the Future of Work
3 min readDec 10, 2018

This week we have some great tips on how to successfully navigate the impact of deploying AI in the workplace and why HR has a critical role to play in helping organisations prepare for the future of work.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to implement AI tools in your company, then click here to read:

  • our latest research on how technology is disrupting candidate assessment
  • case studies on how leading companies are using game-based assessments and other tools to improve the hiring process

Automation in the Workplace

How to not needlessly scare your employees when automating

Nigel Davies presents his top tips on how to deploy AI successfully into the workplace in this article from Forbes. He describes how critical employee “buy-in” is to the process and how navigating the employee’s fear of change is essential, particularly if the change threatens their competence, autonomy, or relatedness. Business pyschologist Matthew Emerson explains further:

All three of these human needs play out against the backdrop of the evolving workplace but it’s the first — competence — that explains why tenure is proportional to fear of change. AI threatens our need for competence by seeking to replace the very skills we’ve mastered in the years we have dedicated to our careers.

Impact of AI in HR

AI in HR: freeing up time to be more human

Another good article highlighting the gap that exists between the appetiite and interest in using AI in HR and the current application of AI technology to improve HR processes. HR has a unique role to play in helping organisations transform for the future of work, and that includes transforming how HR supports employees and managers with technology.

As the people responsible for hiring tomorrow’s workforce, retraining employees for the future and communicating the value of new initiatives, it’s critical HR leaders align with their organisation at every step of the AI journey to ensure success.

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Building Agile Teams raises $29.5M Series A for its AI+Humans software building platform has raised one of Europe’s largest Series A investments at $29.5 million. The platform combines AI with crowdsourced teams of designers and developers to build bespoke digital products at — they say — twice the speed and less than a third of the cost of traditional software development.’s “Builder” product breaks projects into small “building blocks” of re-usable features that are customised by human engineers all over the world.

This is a really interesting approach to be able to assemble software development teams quickly and at massive scale. Definitely one to watch.

How Alorica future-proofs its 100,000 employees

Alorica relies heavily on data and technology to manage the performance of its employees. The company has invested heavily in science and algorithms to understand people’s personalities and uses these algorithms to match potential employees with the right team and customers with the best customer service agent. It is also continuously building the skills of its workforce with on-demand micro-learning.


Checking for fraud, AI rooted out one company’s sexist language

Good example of how natural language processing can be used to analyse large volumes of emails or other text-based information. In this example, they identify examples of sexist language, fraud or other unacceptable behaviour that other more traditional methods of assessment (e.g. surveys) might not uncover.

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