The 4 Ways that AI is Helping HR Departments

AI and the Future of Work
4 min readDec 10, 2018

This week we have:

  • several articles on using AI for candidate selection (a hot topic at the moment)
  • some highlights from research by PwC and the Institute of Employment Studies
  • a great piece from Forbes on what it means to be human in a world of automation

One area we are very excited about at CognitionX is the potential for chatbots to help HR with candidate management and employee queries. Click here to buy our latest research on the key chatbot vendors in the market and read real case studies on how companies are using chatbots in their organisations to support HR and recruitment processes.

Future of Work

How bots, algorithms, and AI are reshaping the future of corporate support functions

This article from Mckinsey gives some good insight into the benefits that organisations can get from adopting AI and emerging technologies into their HR processes. In particular it references the potential for impact in four ways:

  1. Acting as the ‘third-arm’, such as RPAs that assist with transactional activities such as payroll and record collection
  2. Helping with activities such as talent sourcing
  3. Deploying conversational AI platforms (chatbots) to assist with helpdesk enquiries
  4. Using predictive analytics to improve decisions around hiring, retention, and succession planning

AI in Selection

New ways to gauge talent and potential

Great article from Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic and Josh Bersin. While most companies that we speak to are still relying on traditional methods for recruitment such as CVs, job interviews, and traditional psychometric tests to find the right people and match them with the right roles, there are several new approaches to talent identification that are gaining traction, that we have also covered in our candidate selection and assessment research.

In this article, the authors look at gamified assessments, digital interviews, and candidate data mining as tools that have the potential to make hiring more precise and less biased, although it is essential that HR departments are aware of the necessary ethical considerations when implementing such tools. Part of the article is behind a paywall on the web although can be accessed in full via your mobile on Twitter.

Podcasts We Love

How Tech Adoption Drives Employee Experience

Jessica Miller-Merrell talks with Bhushan Sethi (Joint Global & US Financial Services Practice Leader, People & Organization at PwC) about the adoption of AI and emerging tech in businesses. PwC’s latest research on technology and employee experience uncovered a huge disparity in how technology helps make the employee experience better when it comes to the perceptions of the C-Suite versus the employee.

Sethi says that 88 percent of the C Suite said yes, technology makes our work and lives better, while only 48 percent of staff agreed. Another interesting finding is that 75% of employees also reported knowing of a technology that could improve their productivity, which highlights the importance of user-centred design when building solutions for the workplace.

HR’s Role in Automation

Advent of AI demands HR managers look at the world in new ways

The Institute for Employment Studies recently published a report on the associated benefits and risks of using AI in HR (click through the article for the full paper). In order for organisations to gain the benefits of AI, the risks also need to be mitigated and minimised. HR must embrace the opportunities for automation and play a critical role in using technology in the following ways:

  1. To help understand the associated risk
  2. To support organisational change and the reskilling of workforces
  3. To build a culture of continuous learning
  4. To help move away from decisions based on “gut-feeling” to more evidence-based decision-making

CognitionX Research

Mirror, mirror who’s the best candidate of them all?

Great post from our very own Megan Marie Butlerhighlighting some of the key findings from our recent research on candidate assessment and selection. We found over 25 tools in the market using AI to help with assessment, so now is a great time to explore the various tools that can help drive more evidence-based hiring decisions.

If you want to learn more about our research on this topic, then click here to get access to the full report.

Roles of Humans

Afraid You’ll Be Replaced By A Robot? Relax

Every week there are a number of articles that talk about the impact of robots and AI on our jobs. So in a world where it feels like improvements in automation are happening daily, this Forbes article explores some of the tasks that must be performed by humans:

  1. Work for which we’ll demand that some identifiable person or persons be accountable
  2. Work that involves constituencies with differing and maybe conflicting perspectives; that includes virtually all decision-making and problem-solving in organisations
  3. Work that we will require from humans simply because it’s in our deepest nature

How Can AI Impact HR?

Learn how AI is impacting HR and what the best companies are doing

Navigating and understanding the complex and expanding HR AI technology market is harder than ever. Download our research primer on the Impact of AI on HR to understand how to evaluate and implement AI solutions for your business.



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