Can AI Help You Form A Conglomerate?

S. C. Roberts, Bsc., ADE
AI and You


What is a Conglomerate?

A conglomerate is a corporation made up of several different independent businesses.

When I completed my Bachelor of Science in e-Business, I knew but still didn't know what to expect in online business due to the rapid advancement in technology. As a LinkedIn member, I was exposed to a diverse culture, expertise, and shared knowledge base. It was via this platform that I learned about Medium and its potential.


When I joined Medium, my interests were AI and understanding its use cases for building an online business for passive income. I read many articles about different tools that can generate prompts, sites that sell products and services, and how to create ads to promote your business on respective sites and forums. The truth is, I tried building a brand around those that piqued my interest and I have the resources to contribute to building for success. These include self-publishing, creating e-courses, and blogging. But reality sets in!


I have realized that all of the hype doesn't work out the way the individuals sharing would have experienced. From one's perspective, there were many factors to consider, like location, currency, technological background, and access to benefits that would make owning and managing a merch store more lucrative. Considering all the factors that can hold you back, you start thinking of solutions. That I did!


Over the past five years, many different AI tools have been built to help with one's workflow. We know of ChatGPT and its many versions: ChatGPT 3.5, ChatGPT 4, ChatGPT 4.0, ChatGPT 4o, Gemini, Claude, GPTs, VideoGen, DALL-E, etc. I still use most of these tools to assist me in my workflow. However, I recently came across a software that allowed me to pool all my passive income businesses under one umbrella. This software allowed me to showcase my ebooks, flipbooks, courses, and blogs with my audience. You can visit the link here!

I had to start over many times more than I expected. In doing so, I invested in courses on Coursera and made one-time investments to lay the foundation for building a thriving online business. The path is not easy, but it is worth it!

Final Thoughts

My experiences have taught me that no matter how things may appear, a solution is always available. You need to know what you want and how to achieve it. AI and You make the impossible possible!

There are no affiliate links in this article. I share my experience to help others who may need a hand-up.



S. C. Roberts, Bsc., ADE
AI and You

Hi, I call myself BusTech for short. This name originates from my love for Business and Technology. I am a Self-Published Author, Content Creator, and Trainer.