Creating Story Characters In Midjourney V4

John Walter đź“ŁTherapy and creativity
AI Art Creators
Published in
5 min readNov 12, 2022


This has just become so much easier

Created by author on Midjourney

I spent days trying to do this on MJV3 and it was very complicated. I pretty much gave up after creating my first character. Then V4 came out and characters were popping out at me straight out of the box.

This is not a beginner's tutorial. Go to Youtube if you need that and come back when you can do the basics.

What I wanted was consistency and I am getting it now. I wanted to have a consistent character that I could put in a variety of situations to create my story. I wanted to render the character seated or standing, walking or running

V4 is very new and there are no rules, just lots of suggestions. Most of the pictures here have not been upscaled after the first pass. My process is developing as the software develops. It seems you can separate prompt items with a period. a comma, or a slash/. It doesn’t seem to make any difference.

Use the same rendering for each image

I am not going to share my rendering prompts because I am sure you have plenty of your own. You may want particular lighting or the style of your favourite artists. The important thing is to decide what that is going to be and stick with it. Once you get going you may adjust the lighting inside or outside or to help…



John Walter đź“ŁTherapy and creativity
AI Art Creators

Counsellor, jazz musician, AI Art nerd, bereaved father. Writing about my experience. Listening to yours.