How to Get to Grips with Multi-prompts in Midjourney V5

Learn to separate and control elements of your prompt.

John Walter đź“ŁTherapy and creativity
AI Art Creators
Published in
6 min readApr 3, 2023


All images created by the author with a variety of digital tools.

This is a workbench test of how to use the :: separator tool to fine-tune your images artistically. It is intended you find one of your own images that you want to tweak and use that alongside this tutorial. By the end, you should have developed more control over your output and the skill to do a workbench test on any of your prompts.

This is my starter prompt which produced the image above with an aspect ratio of 3:2

A detailed portrait of a goddess of the earth emerging from a rockface in a blaze of colour and light, highly detailed fractal patterns combining animal and plant forms, vibrant colours

This is a single prompt where MJ takes notice of all the words and punctuation as a whole and creates something using a random combination of what it picks up

What is a workbench test?

Create multiple grids for a prompt, changing one word or element each time you copy and paste. You use the same seed number for each generation and copy and paste the whole prompt. Do not reroll, remix or do variations.



John Walter đź“ŁTherapy and creativity
AI Art Creators

Counsellor, jazz musician, AI Art nerd, bereaved father. Writing about my experience. Listening to yours.