Is AI Art Real Art? Ask these 17 examples of Stunning Generative Art

Yes It’s true, Ai truly does make Exceptional art

Ai Art Lounge


Metapixel portrait ai art piece.
Metapix AI Creation using Midjourney

Ai Artists and their use of generative art tools continues to develop what was perceived as typical capabilities within art to levels one can only describe as revolutionary. The capabilities they grant show no sign of slowing down with clear advantages shining through in Ai-Generated art when compared to more traditional art forms.

Here are 17 examples of current real world applications of Ai in art. Demonstrating improvements in not only their art endeavours , but in some cases the overall wellbeing of others, general entertainment, and highlights a clear path to where Ai art is taking innovative visionaries.

1. Customisable Game Environments

No Man’s Sky, a video game by Hello Games, uses AI to procedurally generate planets and ecosystems, ensuring that each player’s experience is unique, with endless possibilities for exploration and interaction. Illustrative of algorithmic personalisation of games through custom unique Ai game design {1}.



Ai Art Lounge

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