Building Trust in AI: How Cleanlab’s TLM Enhances RAG Systems with LlamaIndex

Ankush k Singal
AI Artistry
Published in
5 min read5 days ago


Ankush k Singal

Source: Image created by Author using MidJourney


In today’s world, where AI is making waves across every industry, there’s a growing need for systems we can trust. If you’ve ever used an AI-powered tool to search for answers or generate content, you’ve likely noticed that while impressive, these systems sometimes miss the mark. They may give you incomplete, inaccurate, or overconfident responses, which leaves room for improvement, especially in crucial fields like law, medicine, or finance. That’s where Cleanlab’s Trustworthy Language Model (TLM) comes in — designed to make AI more reliable and, importantly, more human.

Source: LlamaIndex-Cleanlab

What is Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)?

Before we dive into Cleanlab’s solution, let’s talk about Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). Imagine you ask an AI a complex question, and instead of pulling an answer from its vast (but sometimes spotty) memory, it first digs through documents or databases to find relevant information. This is RAG in action — combining the strengths of language models and information retrieval to give you…



Ankush k Singal
AI Artistry

My name is Ankush Singal and I am a traveller, photographer and Data Science enthusiast .