365 Days @ LinkedIn

Mohamed El-Geish
Published in
3 min readSep 27, 2020


An AI-Rewrite of My LinkedIn Article With the Same Title & Introduction

Disclaimer: This article was written mostly by GPT-3 given the introduction of my original article as a prompt; a few edits were made.

It’s been a year since I started working at LinkedIn; and I thought there’s no better way to share my experience with you than using our product, so here it goes: in a nutshell, I’ve learned a ton, and had lots of fun! I still remember the excitement of starting something new on my first day, the desire to learn new technologies, and the potential of unlimited possibilities to continue improving the product. The first 90 days were challenging to me because there was so much to learn and do; I still have my notes and ideas for improvement from back then, which bring a smile to my face every time I go through them; Most of my notes morphed from ink on paper into neurons in my brain as knowledge I acquired, and bits on metal as software that runs our news feed systems. Even though I still recall that first day, it feels like I’ve been here for much longer than just a year; time slows down when it’s enriched with memories and milestones.

I’ve worked with awesome people who were helpful, patient, and fun to be around. I’ve been given tough challenges to solve, which stretched me out and sharpened my skills. I’ve had the opportunity to travel to San Francisco…

