A Glimpse into the Future of AI

Mohamed El-Geish
Published in
4 min readSep 19, 2020


Photo Credit: Françoise Foliot (La radio à l’école)

The pursuit of doing more is as old as history can recall: technology has been playing an important role in it from the very beginning. For example, in the ancient times, when people were just starting to explore the world, they were using their fingers to calculate. It was the first and the simplest way to calculate. However, every time they had to add or subtract, they had to keep track of the numbers. This became an issue when the numbers were getting bigger. So, they used sticks to count. However, this method was not efficient enough. Then, a new method came and it was called the abacus. It is a huge board, used by people to carry out counting operations. In the end, the abacus was replaced with the mechanical calculator. The mechanical calculator was a huge step forward because of the fact that it could calculate more quickly. However, it was not perfect. A new invention came and it was called the computer. It was the best invention ever became because it could do everything automatically. The computer was the best invention ever, but it still had some flaws. The first flaw was that it could not think for itself. The computer could only do what it was programmed to do. This was the end of the line and the beginning of a new one. We have now entered the era of Artificial Intelligence or AI. The use of AI is increasing every day and it has a great impact on the way we live.

