Notes on “Clean Code”​ — Foreword

Mohamed El-Geish
Published in
3 min readSep 26, 2020


An AI-Rewrite of My LinkedIn Article With the Same Title & Introduction

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Disclaimer: This article was written mostly by GPT-3 given the first two paragraphs of my original article as a prompt; a few edits were made.

I started a reading group for my team at LinkedIn, and the first book we are reading is Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship; I can’t emphasize enough how relevant the topic is to how we write software at LinkedIn, so it was an obvious choice for the inaugural book. I’m going to publish my notes on the chapters as we read through them, alongside quotes I liked from the book; such posts overlap with the series of posts about craftsmanship that I started earlier with this post.

Notes on the Foreword

I don’t usually pay much attention to forewords, but in this case, I was tempted to highlight every single line that James Coplien wrote; I ended up bookmarking 5 out of the 5 pages, in which he was hitting the nail on the head.

Yet attentiveness to detail is an even more critical foundation of professionalism than is any grand vision

Without attention to detail, a professional is just an amateur who hasn’t yet been caught: the plumber who doesn’t notice…

