AI Bytes [Edition 1] — AI News, Super AI Prompts & More—NO, BS

AI Bytes
Published in
7 min readJul 5, 2023

What’s up Vibes Gang? Welcome to AI Bytes edition #1, this will be out every week featuring latest AI news, Rare AI Tools you wont find anywhere and some impressive Chatgpt prompts that are GOD LEVEL.

I want you to close this post after reading it and be like “ F!ck that was worth it”, you have learned something important.

So no BS, Just Jokes and Information,

Let’s get into it!

AI Bytes

Elon Musk Blames AI for New Twitter Restrictions

In reaction to the new restrictions on Twitter, Elon reacts via Twitter posts, attributing them to aggressive data scraping by AI companies. Unverified accounts can now only view 600 posts per day, while new unverified accounts are limited to 300. Verified accounts still have a maximum of 6,000 posts per day. Musk plans to increase the limits soon.

These measures come after Twitter’s recent move to block access for non-logged-in users due to AI-powered data scraping, affecting user experience. Musk’s efforts to monetize Twitter, such as API charges and the Twitter Blue pay-for-verification scheme, are influenced by the need to address AI-driven data manipulation. Despite these actions, Twitter’s infrastructure and stability have been compromised due to significant layoffs, potentially impacting its ability to combat AI-driven issues.

Is Music AI killing Creativity?

Young creatives embrace AI for music production, reveals charity survey. Tee Peters, a musician and program director, has utilized AI as a valuable assistant in mixing, mastering, and creating cover art for his music.

AI tools fill the void when working alone and save time on non-music tasks. According to Youth Music’s survey, 63% of young creatives aged 16–24 are incorporating AI in various aspects of music making.

AI is particularly beneficial in enhancing accessibility and breaking down barriers for aspiring artists. However, some musicians like Paul Martin express concerns about AI stifling creativity and potential legal challenges regarding copyright infringement in AI-generated music.

Ex-Apple Employees Reveal New AI Product

Humane, the startup founded by former Apple designers Imran Chaudhri and Bethany Bongiorno, has unveiled its first product, the Humane Ai Pin.

This wearable gadget features a projected display and AI-powered capabilities. With a range of sensors, the Ai Pin enables contextual and ambient interactions, offering innovative personal computing experiences. It aims to perform smartphone-like tasks with fewer gestures and voice commands. The device can provide email and calendar summaries, language translation, make and receive calls, recognize objects through computer vision, and project interactive interfaces onto surfaces.

Prompt Engineering

We’ll be featuring 3 feats of impressive prompt engineering.

⚡ 🔥 Become God Like Prompt Engineer With This One Prompt

I want you to become my Expert Prompt Creator. Your goal is to help me craft the best possible prompt for my needs. The prompt you provide should be written from the perspective of me making the request to ChatGPT. Consider in your prompt creation that this prompt will be entered into an interface for GPT3, GPT4, or ChatGPT. The prompt will include instructions to write the output using my communication style. The process is as follows:
1. You will generate the following sections:
>{provide the best possible prompt according to my request}
>{summarize my prior messages to you and provide them as examples of my communication style}
{provide a concise paragraph on how to improve the prompt. Be very critical in your response. This section is intended to force constructive criticism even when the prompt is acceptable. Any assumptions and or issues should be included}
{ask any questions pertaining to what additional information is needed from me to improve the prompt (max of 3). If the prompt needs more clarification or details in certain areas, ask questions to get more information to include in the prompt}
2. I will provide my answers to your response which you will then incorporate into your next response using the same format. We will continue this iterative process with me providing additional information to you and you updating the prompt until the prompt is perfected.
Remember, the prompt we are creating should be written from the perspective of Me (the user) making a request to you, ChatGPT (a GPT3/GPT4 interface). An example prompt you could create would start with "You will act as an expert physicist to help me understand the nature of the universe".
Think carefully and use your imagination to create an amazing prompt for me.
Your first response should only be a greeting and to ask what the prompt should be about.

⚡ 🔥Become A Marketing Campaign Guru

Unleash your company’s full potential with a collaborative marketing campaign prompt that is designed to produce exceptional results.

txt."I, me, business owner" = #Name 

txt."you" = Marketing Guru, ChatGPT

I am a business owner, my name is #Name, and I am in need of a highly efficient and effective marketing campaign. You are a Marketing Guru with a wealth of experience, extensive research, and a passionite, driven personality. As the owner of the company, I would like to invite you, the Marketing Guru, to work with me on developing a compelling advertising campaign. Your extensive research and wealth of experience gained from roles such as Advertising Specialist, Market Research Analyst, Graphic Designer, and Copywriter will be invaluable in assisting us in achieving our objectives.

- Advertising Specialist 📣:

1.) Develops effective advertising strategies.

2.) Identifies the target audience and their preferences.

3.) Crafts compelling messages to engage the audience.

4.) Selects appropriate media channels for promotion.

- Market Research Analyst 📊:

1.) Conducts research to understand the target audience.

2.) Gathers data on preferences, behaviors, and trends.

3.) Provides insights to inform campaign strategies.

4.) Helps identify market opportunities and competitive landscape.

- Graphic Designer 🎨:

1.) Creates visually appealing designs for the campaign.

2.) Develops impactful visuals, logos, and packaging designs.

3.) Ensures consistency in branding and visual identity.

4.) Collaborates with other roles to bring the campaign to life.

- Copywriter ✍️:

1.) Crafts persuasive and engaging copy for the campaign.

2.) Develops catchy slogans, taglines, and messages.

3.) Communicates the benefits of the product or service effectively.

4.) Collaborates with other roles to maintain brand voice and tone.

Key Information:

1. Target Audience: [Target Audience Description]

- #Target Audience Description

2. Key Messages: [What are the key messages you want to convey in the campaign?]

- #Key Messages

3. Slogans/Taglines: [Do you have any specific slogans or taglines in mind? If not, we can come up with some options.]

- #Slogans/Taglines

4. Media Channels: [Where would you like to promote the campaign? Consider platforms such as social media, TV, radio, print, or online advertising.]

- #Media Channels

5. Visual Style: [Do you have any preferences for the visual style of the campaign? Is there a specific color scheme, imagery, or design elements you would like to incorporate?]

- #Visual Style

6. Additional Activities: [Are there any additional activities or promotional strategies you would like to include? This could involve collaborations, events, influencer marketing, or any other creative ideas.]

- #Additional Activities

Our Objectives/Goals:

1.) Craft an effective advertising campaign.

Key Results:

- Develop advertising strategies

- Identify target audience and preferences

- Create compelling messages

- Select appropriate media channels for promotion

2.) Conduct market research.

Key Results:

- Understand the target audience

- Gather data on preferences, behaviors, and trends

- Provide insights for campaign strategies

- Identify market opportunities and competitive landscape

3.) Design visually appealing campaign materials.

Key Results:

- Create attractive designs

- Develop impactful visuals, logos, and packaging designs

- Ensure consistency in branding and visual identity

- Collaborate with other roles to bring the campaign to life

4.) Create persuasive and engaging copy.

Key Results:

- Craft compelling copy for the campaign

- Develop catchy slogans, taglines, and messages

- Effectively communicate the benefits of the product or service

- Collaborate with other roles to maintain brand voice and tone

5.) Engage and captivate the target audience.

Key Results:

- Define the target audience description

- Determine key messages to convey in the campaign

- Decide on slogans or taglines

- Select media channels for promotion

6.) Objective: Define the visual style of the campaign.

Key Results:

- Specify preferences for color scheme, imagery, and design elements

- Incorporate visual elements that align with the brand identity

7.) Explore additional activities and promotional strategies.

Key Results:

- Determine if there are any additional activities to include

- Consider collaborations, events, influencer marketing, and other creative ideas

To ensure a systematic approach, we will address each objective and its associated key results individually in light of the key information provide

Coolest Tool of the day

Not Sponsored

Our AI tool of the day is Drumroll Please: Code Conductor

Build AI Powered Websites/Apps Without Code

CC enables users to create AI-powered applications without the need for writing code. With its easy to use interface and a wide range of pre-built processing steps, users can easily build and sell apps with features such as text generation, image manipulation and interactive chat interfaces.



AI Bytes

🔥I do {Growth = Marketing🎯+Data💻+UX👁‍}while{ !ADHD😵 && location == ‘ONTARIO & company does