Using AI To Reach Potential Customers — Secrecy Revealed

AI Bytes
Published in
4 min readJul 26, 2023

Struggling to reach those who could genuinely benefit from your amazing offer? You’re not alone.

The sea of advice on social media platforms often makes it difficult to connect with individuals who may not realize they have a problem your business can solve. This overlooked audience can greatly profit from your products or services, but they are unaware of their potential.

In this newsletter, we’ll reveal efficient strategies to bridge this gap, guide the right audience toward your offerings, and help them recognize their true value.

The secret to connecting with these individuals lies in understanding their buying journey.

Here are the usual steps:

  • Problem Unaware: They don’t know there’s a problem to solve.
  • Problem Aware: They know there’s a problem, but they don’t know how to fix it.
  • Solution Aware: They know there are ways to fix the problem, but they don’t know about your solution.
  • Product Aware: They know about your product, but they’re not sure it’s the best
  • Most Aware: They know your product is the best and need a good deal.

Here is how to use your content to guide them through these steps:

Illuminate the Problem:

Utilize your content to enlighten those unaware of their issues. Highlight problems they might be oblivious to. Half of your social media content should address this. Use ChatGPT to create content that offers uncomplicated explanations, spotlighting potential problems. This may result in a surge of prospective customers.Highlight the Problem’s


Once people become aware of the problem, emphasize its urgency. Discuss the problem’s gravity, potential costs, and personal impact. Roughly 40% of your social media content should focus on this. Ensure the problems you can solve are presented as pressing matters.

Propose Your Solution:

When individuals begin seeking solutions, introduce yours. Employ comprehensive content to illustrate your understanding of the problem and your ability to rectify it. Consider using newsletters, YouTube videos, webinars, and podcasts to disseminate your expertise.

Validate Your Superiority:

At this juncture, people want to understand why your product or service outshines the rest. Highlight what sets your product apart, any accolades you’ve received, and positive customer feedback. Show them you’ve effectively assisted others with similar issues.

Present an Irresistible Offer:

For those ready to make a purchase, propose a deal too good to bypass. Enticements such as discounts, add-ons, and limited-time offers can instigate immediate purchases. Provide them with a compelling reason to buy.

Following these steps might be challenging, hence we’ve devised a prompt to guide you.These steps might still be difficult to follow, so we developed a prompt to guide you.


: You are an expert in creating customer engagement strategies for [DESCRIPTION OF YOUR BUSINESS}. Given the steps potential customers take before making a purchase — from being unaware of a problem, to understanding its importance, looking for solutions, comparing products, and finally, being ready to buy — provide three actionable strategies in no more than 100 words. Each strategy should guide potential customers through one of the steps. Your solutions should be informative and direct, akin to a teacher explaining in simple steps, focusing on how content can be used to guide customers.

By understanding these steps and leveraging AI, you can make sure your content really speaks to your potential customers and grabs their attention on social media.

Cool Tools To Boost Productivity

  • Ribbo AI: AI customer service agent for your business
  • an advanced data extraction tool that excels in extracting text, data, handwriting, photos, and signatures from diverse document types.

Cool Tools For Fun

  • Lately: an all-in-one platform that empowers users to efficiently create, manage, and optimize their social media content and programs
  • jpgHD: an advanced tool specializing in restoring old photos to their original quality.

Newsletter bought to you by Code Conductor — Build Websites With AI + No Code — With Single Line of Text



AI Bytes

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