AI Club: The Beginning

Om krishna yadav
AI Club VIT Bhopal
Published in
3 min readApr 7, 2021
Automate Your Future

AI Club is the newly launched Technical Club of VIT Bhopal, where we promise to deliver deeper knowledge about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to students by conducting webinars and activities like debates, discussions, and much more.

The objective of this club is not only to give knowledge about AI and ML but also to provide members with an insight into what is needed to make their work steadfast in the industrial world.

The prominent and focussed need of an AI Club came to light while I joined college and started taking actions in this domain which is as vast as the ocean.

The more I dive deeper into AI, the more I get to explore. It is one such branch that can never cease to astonish you every single day of your life however much you scout.

Although it was not entirely planned but was more of a spontaneous hypothesis that struck us. We carried forward the discussion leading us to today, where each one of us is standing proudly with one of the most prolific clubs of our college, always taking strides to stand out and set benchmarks.



I along with my team focus on enlightening every student at VIT Bhopal who wants to explore AI through this club by sharing and learning together to build a place for like-minded people. To share and to learn about every aspect that the professionals in the industrial world have to offer to us will be among our preferences and to make them members versatile in all fields.

We want VIT Bhopal University to be a library for the students who want to achieve or foresee their future in the field of AI.

We want to deliver students a platform to investigate their dreams, their passion and to make them work towards them. Learning new concepts will be made fun of by adding various activities to our course which will help students remember the topics for a lifetime. They will be given exposure to people throughout the nation and will be competing with others at different levels during their journey.


We believe that for a club to function properly only regular webinars will not help. Thus, to increase our reach and students understanding more further, we gave planned debates, discussions, and leisure activities. We want to build a platform that is open to all students for every AI enthusiast and promotes group activities, increases work efficiency, clears out their brains for brighter ideas and increases their ability to work with an extra edge.


However much we plan, discuss, formulate and work, a club is built by its people. It is nothing but a representation of the people it beholds. So the coordinators are the ones who keep this club standing, and it’s their efforts right from the origin that we can sway this club.

My very first mention shall acknowledge our esteemed faculty coordinators, Dr S Sountharrajan and Dr Pandimurugan. They did not just guide my raw plan and give it concrete shape but also beheld the trust on me that I will be able to balance the weight of this heavy-duty to found the AI Club with utter vehemence.

As the Club’s President I would like to add that I have been working in this field for more than two years and understood that moving ahead alone is a pretty tedious task. This completely develops us so that individually each one of us can show the best of ourselves and work on the integral segments of the branch for outstanding outputs adroitly.

With this, I would like to invite every one of you to experience this journey with us and soar through the fields of AI.



Om krishna yadav
AI Club VIT Bhopal

President @AICLUB VIT Bhopal || Founder @Turners ||Content Developer @Debugsbunny|| Pursuing CSE with specialization in AI & ML