Ethical & Responsible AI Storytelling

Raul Tiru
AI Content Creation
4 min readFeb 12, 2022

At, we thouroughly understand the ethical implications of using AI for the creation of copy.

Apart from the potential for harmful misuse of a powerful Natural Language Processing tool like GPT 3, we also recognize the risk of stumping the growth of human creativity by making a creative process like writing much easier with the help of AI. How easy is too easy?

And we recognize the small but potentially dangerous risk of loss of human jobs.

We understand the risks that come with the incredibly powerful technology we use, but we also understand its limitations. At our core, we truly believe in human potential, and human potential for growth, creativity and ingenuity.

And that is what we are driven to stimulate.

We believe that human and AI creativity shouldn’t be in competition with each other, but are meant to collaborate and make each other better. This is how we built our tool and how we hope to help you become a better writer.

With that in mind, there are a few values and responsibilities we want to uphold, to make sure that we, our partners and our community members act in an ethically sound way.

We want to hold ourselves, our community and our

partners accountable to the following ethical responsibilities:

The responsibility to do what helps ourselves and others grow above all else

Our mission is to:

“Help you write and tell more and better stories.
So you can reach your growth goals faster and easier.

We get you to be a better writer and storyteller.
So you can become the best version of yourself.”

To uphold that mission, it’s imperative that we check ourselves at every step — in how we build out our product, our story and our community — and it’s equally important for us that the users of our product hold themselves accountable to this statement as well.

Do, say, and write what will help you and the other grow.

The responsibility to use our energy, knowledge and voice in an ethical way

We are a team of passionate experts in marketing, growth hacking, and storytelling. Driven by human and brand growth.

Many of the users of our tool and platform will have a background in or talent for storytelling as well. If not, using our tool and platform will help them develop that.

We hold ourselves, our community and our partners accountable for using our knowledge, our tools and our combined voices in a way that is beneficial to all, and at least in such a way that our behavior is neutral or not clearly unethical.

Do no intentional or avoidable harm with your knowledge, your stories, and your voice.

The responsbility to use our technological capabilities in an ethical way

At the core of our AI-copy generator tool lies an integration with GPT-3, the most sophisticated Natural Language Processing engine available in the world.

OpenAI, the provider of the GPT-3 API, has instated a number of safeguards against misuse or unethical use of its AI through a number of measures. To prevent the creation of fake news, biased content, radicalization, or spam — to name a few.

You can read more about the safeguards and controls implemented by OpenAI, here.

We applaud the fact that OpenAI is making a concerted effort to keep researching the potential risks for malisious use of sophisticated AI-models, and keeps looking for improved risk mitigation, and finally holds vetted and approved users of its API (such as accountable for correct and ethical use.

At, we do what we can to follow ethical guidelines by OpenAI and other institutions in the further development of our product. We add to those guidelines by doing our own ethics research and sharing the outcomes with our community and partners.

These ethics concerns also find their way in the process of further developing our product, our community, and our future.

With great technological power comes great responsibility. Build and use technology accordingly.

We believe that human and AI creativity shouldn’t be in competition with each other, but are meant to collaborate and make each other better. This is how we built our tool and how we hope to help you become a better writer.

The same can be said about human creativity, and human competition. We need each other to grow. Let’s act accordingly.

Write more. Write better. Grow faster.


Originally published at



Raul Tiru
AI Content Creation

Co-founder, Founder Let’s create memorable content. #ContentCreation, #ContentMarketing, #Nonprofit