Get Started With Our Blog Title Generator And Get Copy Ideas. Fast.

Raul Tiru
AI Content Creation
5 min readFeb 12, 2022

What is’s Blog Title Generator? is an online tool that generates content ideas for you.

Are you struggling to find the perfect Blog Title for your next article? We got you covered!

Simply enter your company name (optionally), describe your product and hit the ‘Inspire me” button.

Our A.I. generator will give you inspirational examples to add to your list of potential Blog Post Titles.

Run the tool as often as you need to create your perfect next blog post(s).

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Why you should invest time in creating great Blog Post Titles

Multiple pieces of research show that having a great Blog Post Title can increase your traffic with hundreds of percentages. Some even state 500%+.

When you’re scrolling through your Social Media feed, what makes you stop read (or click through and read)? The image and the title, right?

When you’re searching for something in a Search Engine, what makes you click on a search result? The ranking and title, right?

Great Blog Post Titles matter a lot when it comes to attracting the attention of people.

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Tips on creating great blog post titles

1. Start with empathy and your persona

Before you create your piece of content, think about what your audience (your persona) would love to consume. A Great Blog Post Title can not stand out if no one has a need for it.

If you know who your persona is, you know what problems they have, you know what content to create to help solve those problems and you know which power words to use in your blog post title to trigger an emotion to capture their attention and click on your Social Media post or Search results.

Pro tip 1: After they have clicked on your piece of content, it’s time to showcase that the article is truly valuable to them. You do that by having a great Blog Post Intro (which you can also generate with

Pro tip 2: If you don’t fully understand the needs of your persona yet, you can use keyword research tools and Google’s search results to have an understanding of what people struggle with and need answers to.

2. Use Power words in your Blog Post Title

Even though truly understanding the needs of your audience is the most important, there are a couple of quick wins you could utilize to make your blog post title stand out a little bit more. One of them is making use of numbers and power words. Be sure to only use them when it makes sense and keep it relevant to the needs of your persona. It will not make sense to say ‘easy tips’ when your persona is looking for advanced resources.

A list of Power Words you could Include in your Blog Post Title

  • You
  • Memorable
  • Latest
  • Surprising
  • Cheat-Sheet
  • Easy
  • Step-by-Step
  • Tricks
  • Beautiful
  • Bold
  • Kickstart
  • Avoid
  • Struggle
  • Practical
  • Master
  • Free
  • Immediately
  • Never
  • Definitive
  • Untapped
  • Little-Known
  • Fail-Proof

3. Don’t be spammy or oversell

At the end of the day, the goal of your blog post title is not just to help you to stand out. It’s to help you stand out so you can get more quality traffic to your website that actually converts.

People bouncing off your website within seconds is the worst thing you could do for your SEO. Google hates pogo-sticking.

You can minimize that by writing a great blog post intro but even that won’t save you if you’re just overselling.

4. Don’t be satisfied with your first Blog Post Title

We hope you now have a better understanding of the importance of a great blog post title.

That being said, how much time do you usually spend on creating your title?

Do you create one title and call it a day?

In other words, do you spend less than a minute writing your blog post title?

Let’s say your article is doing well and gets a lot of views on Google and on Social Media.

As stated earlier, some researches show that having a great headline can help increase traffic by 500%.

This means that you would have gotten 2x, 3x, up to 5x more traffic if you would have focused more on writing a great blog title.

You can take it even further by writing multiple blog post titles and then selecting the best one.

Of course, can help you do just that. You can easily get multiple great title suggestions, add a bit of human touch and this valuable step can be more easily and helps you to see the topic from different angles which boosts creativity.

Write great Blog Post Titles in half the time

There is nothing worst than staring at a blank piece of paper.’s Blog Title Generator helps you to get new ideas and even complete copy with a click of a button.

Get inspired by how many different ways there are to describe blog titles. Our Marketing Copy Generators run on GPT-3. Trained, as the largest and qualitatively best Natural Language Processing model.

Get started for free.

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Originally published at



Raul Tiru
AI Content Creation

Co-founder, Founder Let’s create memorable content. #ContentCreation, #ContentMarketing, #Nonprofit