How to Get The Most Out Of Your AI Copy Generator

Raul Tiru
AI Content Creation
3 min readAug 8, 2021

The Magic that happens when technological and human superpowers work together

They’re coming for our jobs! Or: they’re making our jobs easier.

Whichever side you’re on — AI copy generators are here, and it seems like they’re not going anywhere soon.

As long as we’re all here, maybe it’s time to think about how to get the most out of our AI marketing copy generator. As long as they aren’t planning their uprising just yet, I’ve got some pointers for you to make the most out of what’s available.

What AI copy generators can do for you

The major upside of AI copy generators in general, of course, is that you as a copywriter, content creator, or multiple hat marketer won’t have to stare at a blank page ever again. Awesome.

In general, tools like,, or are very very good at this: creating very decent, human-sounding content for all your storytelling, blogging, and content marketing needs.

And because the content is created by smart machines, it’s created at a pace that is unimaginable for a human being. This is AI power at its best.

But what most AI copy generators fail to do is this:

What not to expect from your AI content generator

AI copy generators can’t actually think. Natural Language Processing AI systems only understand the meaning and use of words relative to other words — not the meaning of words in our 3d, physical or social reality.

This means, that even though the copy they produce sounds right and is often very usable, they don’t really understand the words you’re giving them as input, nor the words they’re giving you back as output.

Therefore, they can’t actually come up with the exact same quality insights on a topic that a trained human writer could. And they for sure could never come up with exactly your unique human or unique brand perspective on a given topic.

Lastly, and very importantly: AI content generators cannot improve your writing skills.

They do not necessarily make your content better. They fail to make you a better writer. They fail to make you and your team create and share ever better stories for your brand.

And that’s what you’re really looking for, isn’t it?

How to get the most out of your AI copywriting assistant — and yourself

So how to get the most out of your AI copywriting assistant?

It’s actually fairly simple.

Use it to generate ideas for stories. Ideas for titles, outlines, intros, heck, even ideas for entire blocks of text for ads, videos, e-mails, and what have you.

But then: let your unique, human creativity and insight come to play.

Use the ideas the AI tool is giving you as writing prompts. Use them to have something to riff off of. Edit, add, rearrange using your own unique insights, knowledge, experience, thoughts, and feelings — to create something of actual value for your audience.

When you’re done, let a human reader read your story. Keep fishing for feedback and make your stories better — and make yourself a better writer and teller of stories.

That’s how you get the most out of your AI copy generator.
And out of yourself. is an online tool ​

That generates content ideas for you, and then helps you along the writing process by generating hooks and outlines for your stories. We also offer ready-made copy for your marketing purposes.​

To reach your growth goals, you need better copy. ​
More stories. Faster.​

We can help you get there. ​

And we’ll help you become a better storyteller along the way.

Come check it out for yourself at Generators

Originally published at on August 8, 2021.



Raul Tiru
AI Content Creation

Co-founder, Founder Let’s create memorable content. #ContentCreation, #ContentMarketing, #Nonprofit