How to Write Catchy Blog Post Titles [Tips and Generator]

Raul Tiru
AI Content Creation
2 min readNov 14, 2021

[Tips and Generator]

Catchy Blog Post Titles.

We all want them.

They are the first thing people see when scrolling through Social Media and on Google or other Search Engines.

The question is… How do you write catchy blog post titles?

In this article, we’ll give a couple of tips and as a bonus, we’ll link to our Blog Title Generator which you can try out for free.

Let’s get started.

How to Write Catchy Blog Post Titles

  1. Create great content
  2. Be to the point
  3. Use power words
  4. Use brackets where possible [ ]
  5. Use (odd) numbers
  6. Be clear about the main benefit
  7. Make it actionable

Catchy Blog Post Title Example

Let’s take the blog title of this article as an example and dissect it.

“How to Write Catchy Blog Post Titles [Tips and Generator]”

  1. Create great content -> This is questionable. It’s a short article but we do offer a free generator.
  2. Be to the point -> I believe we are to the point. We clearly state ‘how to do x’ + what is included [Tips and Generator]
  3. Use power words -> Catchy, Tips, Generator
  4. Use brackets where possible [ ] -> [Tips and Generator]. This has helped to make it stand out more. Also in Google.
  5. Use (odd) numbers -> We could have chosen to do the following: “7 Tips For Writing Catchy Blog Post Titles [Generator Included]”.
  6. Be clear about the main benefit -> You will learn how to write catchy blog post titles and you’ll also get a generator.
  7. Make it actionable -> We could have chosen to do the following: “Start Writing Catchy Blog Post Titles Today [Tips and Generator]”.


As you see. It’s not always possible to include all tips into your headline. That being said, by going over these tips, it can help you to force yourself to be more creative and re-write your blog titles several times.

Blog Title Generator

The moment we have all been waiting for.

What about that Blog Title Generator you promised me?

At we want to help you write more. Write better. Grow faster. Our AI Marketing Copy Generators help you do just that.

They help you.

To get the best results, we advise to always add a human touch to your content.

Check out our blog title generator here and get started for free.


Originally published at on November 14, 2021.



Raul Tiru
AI Content Creation

Co-founder, Founder Let’s create memorable content. #ContentCreation, #ContentMarketing, #Nonprofit