Perplexity + Reddit = Content Goldmine

Luc Pimentel - AI Insights
AI Creators
Published in
4 min readJan 15, 2024

Reddit is one of my favorite source of content ideas.

And I recently came across a little-known trick to help me uncover the best ones faster.

This trick involves using Perplexity and a specific prompting techinque. And that’s exactly what I want to show in this post.

But before we start, make sure to bookmark this post.

We’ll cover a lot of important ground on creating content ideas. And you’ll probably want to keep this guide handy for your next brainstorming session.

Use This Little-known Perplexity Prompting Trick

Before you understand how this specific prompt works, you need to first understand how the Perplexity search works. (From the outside looking in, I have no idea about the actual inner workings of the app)

Perplexity is simple:

  • First, it searches Google;
  • Then, it fetches the websites returned from the search;
  • Lastly, it aggregates everything and return an AI summary according to your query.

And here’s the prompting trick…

Since it goes through Google first, you can add any advanced query search term to the initial query to make your searches even more specific.

This means that if you can tweak your search for content ideas however you want.

For instance, let’s say you want to make a post about the latest AI trends.

If you simply search for “latest AI trends”, the search will retrieve stuff that is outdated already.

So if you want to make your search results relevant, you can add the “after:” advanced search parameter.

In which case you would search for “latest AI trends after:2023–09–01”

n short, use advanced search parameters — just as you would use directly in Google — to make your search for content ideas laser focused.

Limit Your Search

Secondly, limit your search to Reddit only.

Many people don’t know this, but you can narrow your perplexity search only to Reddit.

And in my experience, focusing solely on it to uncover ideas is more effective than searching the entire web.

This is mainly because you can hear the raw, unfiltered truth in the anonymous forums.

And not to mention that, due to the fast-paced nature of the platform, things happen quicker and you can get trends right at their beginning.

See Where Your Curiosity Takes You

Lastly, read the results, delve into the sources and see where your curiosity takes you.

Many people don’t know this, but you can narrow your perplexity search only to Reddit. And in my experience, focusing solely on it to uncover ideas is more effective than searching the entire web. This is mainly because you can hear the raw, unfiltered truth in the anonymous forums. And not to mention that, due to the fast-paced nature of the platform, things happen quicker and you can get trends right at their beginning.

See Where Your Curiosity Takes You

Lastly, read the results, delve into the sources and see where your curiosity takes you.

This step might seem obvious, but it’s crucial to point it out because the quality of your content depends entirely on it.

If you cut corners when coming up with ideas, your entire content strategy will suffer.

So, give this step the attention it deserves.

Now, ever since I started focusing solely on Reddit for my content idea searches, I’ve noticed that the ideas I come up with are far more relevant than when I search the entire web.

Were you aware of this specific trick to use Reddit and Perplexity?

Let me know your thoughts

And that’s all for today’s article.

If you liked it, you’ll also like my Ultimate Prompting Guide.

Where I will teach you how to create highly effective prompts and AI automations.

Here’s what you will learn:

  • Easy step-by-step approach to create highly-reliable super prompts.
  • The right way to create prompts that are highly contextual to you;
  • Discover the best prompt engineering guidelines available today;
  • The simplest step-by-step approach to create AI automation workflows;
  • How to create AI apps with Python

Please check it out:



Luc Pimentel - AI Insights
AI Creators

Exploring where AI meets Marketing, Automation and Growth 💼📈 Teaching you to become a leveraged creator with AI