Writing Content Should Be The Easiest Task Of Your Day

Luc Pimentel - AI Insights
AI Creators
Published in
5 min readJan 25, 2024

Writing content used to feel like a drag. Time consuming and mentally exhausting.

I felt like quitting and burning out more times than I’d like to admit.

But since I’ve automated much of my content creation workflow with AI, I cut down the time I spend writing to a fraction of what it used to be.

To the point that it became the easiest task of my day. And it finally became a fun activity that I look forward to.

And it’s not like I am just writing a bunch of fluff, quite the contrary…

I am putting out content that is interesting, original, high-quality, and that you can build an audience on.

So in this post, I’m going to explain why I believe writing should be the easiest part of your day if you don’t want to burn out from the content game.

And I will also share my AI workflow so you can achieve the same.

“I Hate Writing, But I Love Having Written”

Writing is a mentally exhausting task like no other. After a good writing session, you are left with no creative energy for anything else.

And if you’re anything like me, you’ll need a good break, a nap, or some good ol’ caffeine (or all three) after an intense writing session.

This is clearly not sustainable if you have other obligations besides creating content.

After all, your writing habits shouldn’t get in the way of you working on your business, your job, and honing your skills.

However, writing is important if you want to have a voice in the world today, so you also don’t want to stop writing all together.

But thanks to the AI automations I built, I no longer face this trade-off. Now, I can create a ton of content effortlessly.

For instance, my publishing schedule now consists of:

  • At least 4 long-form pieces of content every week;
  • 1 newsletter article
  • Multiple tweets per week;
  • 2 new modules to my product per week;

That on top of my day job. So writing and publishing is not intererting with my other obligations.

My Best AI Content creation Workflow

You see, my AI content creation workflow is designed for quick and original content creation, while requiring minimal creative effort from me.

In other words, I optimized it for laziness without losing originality.

And if you’re a writer who feels exhausted after a writing session, you’ll appreciate this workflow.

1. Record Yourself Talking

To start, I turn on the microphone and begin speaking freely.

At this point, I have nothing more than a brief outline just to keep track of the points I want to cover in the article.

I don’t worry about structure at this stage; I just turn on the mic and talk extensively about the topic I want to cover.

You see, most people speak at a rate of 150 words per minute, while they type at only 40~50 words per minute (and feel drained afterwards)…

So by speaking instead of writing, you can effectively triple your writing speed all the while saving most of your mental energy.

2. Get a Transcription Of Your Recording

The second step is to transcribe your spoken words using AI.

This is finally where AI comes into play in our content creation process.

You’ll use AI to get an accurate transcription of what you’ve just said. There are many speech-to-text AI tools available.

I use Whisper, which is an OpenAI’s speech-to-text model. If you use the GPT Mobile app, you can access Whisper through the built-in microphone of the GPT mobile app.

You can also use the API if you know how to code.

You can use other speech-to-text AI tools too; the important thing is to get a transcription of what you’ve said.

3. Format Everything Using GPT

The third step is to take your incoherent ramblings and send it to ChatGPT to make it coherent.

As you can see, by the third step you will get a pretty good blog post almost as fast as you could get your thoughts out.

4. Edit

Then, the last step is to read through the post and make minor edits.

After all, the final piece won’t be perfect, and you might want to add or remove things.

However, you’ll rarely need more than two rounds of editing, and since GPT has already structured most of the transcription, each round will be very quick.

And after that, you’re ready to publish.

For reference, this workflow lets me publish 1000+ words articles within an hour. And if I let go of my perfectionism in editing, it could be even faster.

Now compare it with the typical workflow without AI, where one would spend at least 6+ hours to write a thousand words blog post from scratch.

Words Are Abundant, Ideas Are Scarce

All in all, I’ve learned that if writing is the hardest and most time-consuming part of your job, you’re not working as efficiently as you could be.

Creating content should be about taking ideas from your mind and sharing them with the world in an engaging and captivating way.

While writing is crucial and a part of the whole content creation process, it shouldn’t be the main focus.

I’ve found that I should spend most of my time as a creator generating ideas, indulging my curiosity, and interacting with clients to understand their needs and challenges.

In short, I should dedicate my time to uncover new information and come up with ideas. And when I have that “eureka” moment, I start writing as a way to document it.

If writing drains all your creative energy (as it does with me), you are not generating new interesting ideas. A route that will lead to stagancy an burn out sooner or later.

And that’s all for today’s article!

If you liked it, you’ll also like my Ultimate Prompting Guide.

Where I will teach you how to create highly effective prompts and AI automations.

Here’s what you will learn:

  • Easy step-by-step approach to create highly-reliable super prompts.
  • The right way to create prompts that are highly contextual to you;
  • Discover the best prompt engineering guidelines available today;
  • The simplest step-by-step approach to create AI automation workflows;
  • How to create AI apps with Python

Please check it out: https://lucasaibuilder.gumroad.com/l/ultimate_prompting



Luc Pimentel - AI Insights
AI Creators

Exploring where AI meets Marketing, Automation and Growth 💼📈 Teaching you to become a leveraged creator with AI