
When you have the knowledge to create or to find an innovative idea, but you do not know how to…

StartupWeekend La Paz Latinx AI


54 hours working with new participants, new mentors, new ideas and more…

Starting on Friday with an inspiring tech talk where Beto Saavedra talk about the new technologies and the impact in the startups.

Author: Beto Saavedra

So check it and you can be part of one or more options: Tenacious startupers, generate abundant data, look for AI scientists and be part of the society to generate supportive policy environment.

After it, our Facilitator Cecilia Uriona started sharing information about what all the participants will do and the moment for pitches started: we had 12 ideas, between apps used to contact with recommended doctors, app to sell cars and hydroponic gardens for homes in the city, after the selection 8 ideas classified. It was time to start to invite people to join to the teams. At the end of the night the work started, it was exciting see how some teams absorbed members of other teams.

On Saturday the teams started with the breakfast then, immediately, mentors participated listening and giving them feedback or help with some ideas related to their projects, mentors as: Diego Collarana (NLP expert), Carlos Collazos (Product designer and Cofounder at Panal Fresh), Rodrigo Loza (Machine Learning expert), Orietha Castillo (Big Data), Ismael Franco Gonzales (Lawyer), Daniel Gemio (Business) and more.

The Global mentors were talking with the participants all the afternoon: Todd Terrazas (Brainitch Solutions), Jose Luis Hidalgo (Nextail) and William Wolf (ASSAP), inspiring with new ideas.

The night start with pre-pitches and the feedback from mentors: Eddy D. Sánchez Salas (Lean Startup), Renan Huanca (IoT), Andrez Vasquez (Mobile-IoT), Cecilia Uriona (Facilitator) closed the night.

Then that night at the end, all teams were shocked and with more pression but regenerated with the feedback, the ideas, new tasks and improvements for the last day started.

On Sunday, the teams started in the morning with a fast breakfast to start the work between teams. The facilitator Cecilia Uriona worked with the last mentors to help some groups coordinating with Ruth Chirinos and Lesly Zerna. After the lunch all the teams started to prepare the presentations, add changes, improvements, review the datasets, models, apps, etc.

The teams which finalized were five:

  • Team YouCan: They presented an app for people with diabetes that shows meal suggestions. The team trained their algorithm and was able to use it in their app as part of their MVP.
  • Team AgroSmart: One of my favorite projects, to market an app that teaches to grow plants and a kit of hydroponic gardens for cities. They presented as part of their mvp, the pot, the plant and a sample of the monitoring device.
  • Team Saney App: An app that gives you information about green companies, gives suggestions and performs door-to-door delivery, from producer to consumer.
  • Team Hero: they presented one the favorite projects in social networks, a video game that would help to collect information from children, to identify those who are victims of possible aggressions and bullying.
  • Team Vicar: The group win the SWAILaPaz, but what they did?. They presented a different proposal, aimed at consumers in the automotive area. An app that provides information on the characteristics of the cars of various distributors and sends them to customers according to tastes, preferences.

The judges were four experts in different areas: Yelka Maric(Business, entrepreneur), Nathaly Alarcón(Data Science), Dante Rivadeneyra(Business, Banking), Roly Morales (Business, Technology).

I f you want to know more, visit the link:

A big thank you to our sponsors for trusting the event and supporting the learning and development of startups: BancoEcofuturo,, Solidez, Elemental and Facebol.

A thank you and applause for the team that supported this event: Martha Mamani, Silvana Gutierrez, Eddy Sanchez, Richard Gutierrez, Marco Leonardini, Andrea Paola , our facilitator Cecilia Uriona, the cofacilitator Juan Salazar and in this event it was a pleasure to be part of this great team as lead organizer.

This event was coordinated with GSWAI, Lucia Cardenas, Laura Calmore from France and from LatAm Eli Becerril, thank you for the support to the cities!!.

The event was closed with a delicious cake and with the conviction to continue learning. See you at the next events Startup Weekend La Paz LatinxAI!

#SWAILaPaz #GSWAI #2018 #LaPaz #Bolivia




Published in ai-entrepreneur-more

When you have the knowledge to create or to find an innovative idea, but you do not know how to market or validate this then you can find some events where startups can find help


Written by Mónica

@SoftwareEngineer Interested in @Entrepreneur @AI @Cloud @Technology. Organizer at @GDGCloudLaPaz @PyLadiesLaPaz @SWLaPaz. Support conscious, organic food lover

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