Do Your Friends Need Brains?

AI Ethics
Published in
2 min readJan 7, 2019

Merry Christmas to you all! We have some important ethical questions for you this week:

Can you be friends with your iPad? Should corporates lead on AI ethics? Would you let your face be scanned in order to pop to the loo?

My colleague James Kingston has been hard at work on our upcoming AI Ethics primer, which gives you your ‘need to know’ introduction to the world of ethics in AI. Pre-register your interest here!


China’s public toilets have facial recognition thanks to Xi Jinping

Toilets are not typically what leaps to mind when one discusses AI — but the use of facial recognition technology in China’s public loos is to our mind an interesting example of how technology is being used in specific social contexts — in this case, a society where the government does not trust people not to steal all the loo roll, and is therfore prepared to use AI to stop them.

Regulation and Trust

False Dilemmas: Technology Ethics, Law, and Fairness in AI

Is current concern ‘AI ethics’ simply a fig leaf so corporations can avoid government regulation? An interesting discussion and rejetion of some of the more cynical views on this point.

AI and Law

Artificial Intelligence and Ethics

A well written and informative precis by Harvard Magazine of key ethical issues and research related to the ethics of AI — well worth a read!


Friends Without Brains

A thought-provoking essay on the nature of subjectivity and how this relates to artificial intelligence. Can your iPad come to have subjective experience — and does it matter?

CognitionX Research

Our research team can help with a whole range of strategic objectives. Which service would add most value to your team?



AI Ethics

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