The Importance of attention, Loneliness, and Clever Plants

AI Ethics
Published in
1 min readJan 7, 2019

Lots of ethical news to chew over this week, including the big announcement of the Montreal Declaration for the Responsible Development of Artificial Intelligence. Check it out here — an impressive effort.

My colleague James Kingston has been hard at work on our upcoming AI Ethics primer, which gives you your ‘need to know’ introduction to the world of ethics in AI. Pre-register your interest here!

AI Safety

Canada and France propose an international panel to assess AI’s dangers

Surging interest in responsible and ethical AI will undoubtedly lead to more such international collaboration

Data Rights, Privacy

The New Tech of Relationships

Intriguing piece on using data to help fight loneliness, that highlights how we can ‘form alliances with technology’ rather than thinking it at some kind of external force.


Are Plants Intelligent?

Fascinating discussion on the nature of intelligence and how this relates to plants. Illuminates lots of contemporary discussions on human intelligence and the possibility of replicating it with AI.

Design, Meaning, Agency

Attention is not a resource but a way of being alive to the world

Cool article on the nature of conscious experience and how digital distractions can impinge upon and diminish our awareness.

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AI Ethics

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