LEARN PYTHON NOW! Book: The Pillars of Python. 19 — Summary

Ruben Ruiz
AI experiments
Published in
3 min readAug 11, 2018

“Don’t try to become a man of success, but a man of courage.” Albert Einstein

This chapter should serve as a short summary of what we have seen.

1 — Purpose of the book: We briefly discussed the purpose of the book with emphasis on writing a book that focuses on the most important things.

2 — The programming languages and Python: We talked about what the programming languages are, the types, how many there are, which is the best and we saw an example of the different syntaxes (python,c+++ and javascript).

3 — Brief history and characteristics: Characteristics of the Python language.

4 — Installation with Anaconda: We installed the Anaconda development environment.

5 — Anaconda and Spyder at a glance: We take a quick look at the Anaconda environment and the Spyder IDE.

6 — The variables I: The logic behind it. We discussed how variables are declared in Python and what happens behind the scenes.

“Several people fist bumping over a busy workspace” by rawpixel on Unsplash

7 — Variables II: Simple data: We talk about simple data (integers, float, strings and booleans).

8 — Variables II: lists and slicing. We go into depth with the composite data and in particular the lists and the slicing.

9 — Variables II: Dictionaries. We talk about dictionaries, they are used to store relationships between something and something known as key and value.

10 — Variables II: Tuples. We used to write about tuples and cules are ordered sequences that store different objects, although they are faster and safer.

11 — Variables II: Conjuncts. We were dealing with the last of the types of composite data that allow us to perform the forgotten set theory exercises that we did in the math probability classes.

12 — Variables II: Summary. We summarized the four types of composite data (lists, dictionaries, tuples and sets).

13 — The operators: We treat the symbols +-*/% =< > or and.

14 — Execution flow (Loops and Conditionals): One of the most important chapters and essence of the programming. The use of for loops and if conditionals.

15 — The Scope: We talked about the scope of the variables, which could be local and global.

16 — The libraries: We see the concept of a library or module with a practical example.

17 — Capture errors: We treat how to capture errors with Try and Except.

18 — Introduction to classes: We finish with an introduction to the POO and the classes.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — The End — — — — — — — — — — — — —

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