Your Images Are Embarrassingly Tiny: Upscale Them Now with Topaz Gigapixel AI or Get Left Behind!

Saul Flores Jr.
AI Expressions
Published in
5 min readJan 12, 2024


Attention, digital artists and photographers! Are you still stuck in the pixelated dark ages, squinting at your 1024x1024px images like they’re some kind of ancient hieroglyphs? Wake up! It’s 2024, and settling for low resolution is a cardinal sin in the realm of digital imagery. Let’s dive into the world-saving, game-changing technology that is Topaz Gigapixel AI, and find out how it can transform your tiny, grainy images into glorious 4096x4096px masterpieces without sacrificing an ounce of quality.

1. Understand the Magic Behind the Scenes

First, let’s clear up a common misconception: Upscaling isn’t just about stretching pixels. Amateur hour is over! Topaz Gigapixel AI uses cutting-edge artificial intelligence to intelligently fill in details that your original photo never had. This isn’t just upscaling; it’s digital wizardry.

We’re gonna start with the main dashboard where we will upload 1 image creatively named “Sample_Woman.PNG”

Gigapixel AI Main Dashboard

After uploading the image you will have the option to choose between 4 views by the top right corner,

  • Single View (Most straightforward and efficient)
  • Split View (My personal favorite! You can…



Saul Flores Jr.
AI Expressions

Writing about AI and Self-Improvement | A creative mind 🌟 a magician's soul 🃏 and a musician's heart 🎵