What is Neural Network? Explained in Everyday Language for AI Beginners

A. Zhang
AI for Absolute Beginners
4 min readMar 20, 2024


In today’s world, with the rising hype around AI, various concepts frequently come up. However, one concept that has increasingly entered discussions in recent years is the neural network.

Many may recognize that neural networks are a crucial methodology in AI. So in this article, let’s explore what a neural network is, how it operates, and its connection to Large Language Models (LLMs), providing a deeper understanding of its role and importance in the field of AI :)

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neural_network_(machine_learning)#/media/File:Simplified_neural_network_example.svg

What are Neural Networks? And how about deep learning and machine learning? Are those interchangeable?

The short answer is No.

Neural networks are a crucial part of AI, but not the only component. AI encompasses a wide range of technologies and techniques, including but not limited to machine learning, deep learning (where neural networks are a subset), rule-based systems, and evolutionary algorithms. So while they are not independent of each other, a Neural network is a different concept at a different level, where it cannot solely represent either machine learning or deep learning.

(Don‘t worry! We will discuss those terms in later articles if you're interested😊)

