My experience with Computer Science as a High Schooler

AI for High Schoolers by High Schoolers
4 min readAug 8, 2023

9th grade:

This was the grade where I explored all the clubs in high school. I tried to test out everything to see what interests me. I joined medical clubs, coding clubs, debate teams, business societies, tutoring, and more clubs! I diligently attended every club meeting for a year to see which club suited me the most.

9th grade summer:

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I realized that I wanted to know more about programming so I took an introductory course on Python Programming from a local community college. I also got an internship at a startup and enhanced my coding skills there.

I also had an interest in business so I did an internship at a local nonprofit and helped them raise $10,000+ but realized I had more fun with coding.

10th grade:

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I switched to a different high school (because I moved houses) where the club offerings were different. I had narrowed down my interests this year and I decided to focus on coding so I joined a club that provides tutoring in coding and later became the curriculum manager for this club.

I also continued attending Speech and Debate in my new school. They did not have Parliamentary style debate so I had to learn Lincoln Douglas (which is honestly pretty fun).

Additionally, I would tutor students in math before school every day.

I also took AP Computer Science A where I was the youngest student (the only sophomore). I bragged about it. My teacher was a huge role model to me and this class was the reason I started developing an interest in computer science.

With the friends I made at AP CSA, I founded a coding club dedicate to social good and outreach programs.

10th grade summer:

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I got an internship at the same startup I interned in during my freshman year. This year, I took on more challenging tasks because of the skills I acquired from AP CSA and my CS tutoring club,

11th grade:

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I developed a deep bond with my AP CSA teacher and the class overall was memorable for me so I came back as a TA. I helped students with questions about lectures, supervised during tests, and more! I was also promoted to the position of Vice President in the CS tutoring club and maintained my role as the President of the other CS for social good club.

In my previous blog:

I mentioned how transformative attending my first hackathon was. It opened my eyes and solidified my interest in computer science. I attended other hackathons and won many awards! In my free time, I made a lot of passion projects. I also took many challenging classes in my junior year like AP Calc BC and AP Physics 1 which enhanced my problem-solving skills, taught me logic, and helped me with time management.

During my junior year, I received my Girl Scout Gold Award for helping out many clubs in my school with membership and funding issues. I began this during my sophomore year and ended it my junior year.

I also did a coding internship at an international nonprofit and helped with their app and website development.

I was fortunate enough to be able to attend a free 10-week STEM program which helped me learn about IOTs, circuits, and just more about the UC admissions process. Through this program, I also met with 5+ engineering professors.

I ended my junior year by hosting my school’s first-ever hackathon. The skills I gained from my business internship during my freshman helped me gain sponsors.

I started writing blogs on different CS topics in my sophomore year but I never got a chance to publish them until my junior year.

11th grade summer:

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This summer was pretty intense. I took two community college courses during the summer. I completed a prestigious AI research summer program, a prestigious and free CS summer program, another free CS summer program, and an AI summer program.

During the weekends I would attend hackathons or develop more passion projects!

I also started my college apps this summer.

Anyways as my summer break comes to an end, I look forward to my last year of high school filled with AP classes, college apps, hackathons, and hopefully a lot of fun and memories!



AI for High Schoolers by High Schoolers

A high schooler who is interested in Artificial Intelligence.