AI for Software Engineering — Industry Landscape (18/Oct/2017)

Valentin Grigoryevsky
AI for Software Engineering
2 min readOct 18, 2017

AIFORSE Landscape Initial Version: 03/Oct/2017.
AIFORSE Landscape Latest Version:

“Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Software Engineering (SE)” is a new emerging Industry. It is dedicated to making Software Development better, cheaper and faster.

The Solutions (Companies/Products/Platforms/Researches) presented in the Landscape are divided into Categories by two Criteria: (1) Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) Phase and (2) Solution Readiness for the Market. Solutions inside a Category are ordered alphabetically. Read more about these Categories in the Initial Version of the Landscape.

Below the Landscape Picture, you can find a list of Solutions with References to their Web Pages.

If you have any Comments and/or Suggestions for the Solutions, Categories or their Mapping, please feel free to share them.

AI for SE Industry Landscape by AIFORSE Community

Solutions List (alphabetically)

Acellere | AppAchhi | Appdiff | Applitools |Codebeat |Codebots | Codota | Crowdbotics | DecibelInsight |Deckard AI |DeepCoder |DiffBlue |Fedr8 |Firedrop | FlashMeta | | |NARCIA |Near AI |Prodo.AI | Qordoba|Qualicen |RainforestQA |Re:infer |React VT | RETA (RUBRIC) |ReTest | RETRO | RobustFill | source{d} |Sourcegraph |Stepsize |Talla |The Grid |UCDD |Uizard |Windmill |Wix |Zeenflow

Change Log

Added (listed alphabetically)

  • Crowdbotics
  • FlashMeta
  • Qordoba
  • source{d}

Modified (listed alphabetically)

  • RUBRIC: renamed to ‘RETA (RUBRIC)’, changed the Reference
  • Sourcegraph: moved to “B2B Ready”

Instead of Conclusion

See the Industry State Conclusions and Forecasts made in the Initial Version of the Industry Landscape.

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AIFORSE Landscape Initial Version: 03/Oct/2017.
AIFORSE Landscape Latest Version:

