AIFORSE Community Program

AIFORSE Community
AI for Software Engineering
2 min readAug 30, 2017



AIFORSE — Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Software Engineering (SE)


Software Engineering


Apply Artificial Intelligence Methods to Software Engineering


Collaborate to apply Artificial Intelligence Methods for developing Advantageous Conditions to increase Intensity and Efficiency of Software Engineering


A New Era of Society Functioning


Сreate Conditions to facilitate the achievement of the following Goals:

Apply Artificial Intelligence to

  • Maximize Software Engineering Process Automation
  • Maximize Software Engineering Process Manageability
  • Maximize Software Quality
  • Maximize Software Maintainability
  • Maximize Software Adaptivity
  • Maximize Software Autonomy
  • Maximize Software Proactivity
  • Maximize Software Inferential Capability
  • Minimize Software Development Costs
  • Minimize Software Development Time-to-Market

Prepare Software Engineers to the changing world and make them able to drive these changes



  • Build “AI for SE” Industry Development Roadmap
  • Create a Framework to itemize Tasks of Software Engineering Areas
  • Prepare the “AI for SE” Landscape (existing Solutions)
  • Set Standards and Methodologies for related Tools and Processes
  • Work out Recommendations for Implementation of “AI for SE” Projects
  • Collect and describe Best Practices and Ready-for-Intelligentization Scenarios
  • Provide Test Data for new Solutions/Startups to validate their Models


  • Establish a Single Platform for Interchange of Best Practices, Ideas and Contacts
  • Host Events (Conferences, Meetups, Hackathons, Webinars etc.)
  • Enable Presentment and Discussion of new Services and Products
  • Crowdsource to identify main Pain Points related to Software Engineering, collect all Requests for Software Engineering Intelligentization and new Ideas for what and how can be improved
  • Provide an Ability to promptly find Experts in the particular Subject Matter


  • Support existing Open Source Projects, initiate the creation of new Projects; systematize them and prepare Recommendations for its usage
  • Generate Industry Innovations
  • Define Ways of Society Development Intensification through Software Engineering Technologies Development
  • Initiate and conduct Researches
  • Trigger new Intelligentization Projects by matching Tasks and Solutions


  • Create Engineer Development Plan “The Software Engineer of Tomorrow” for next Professions: Software Business/System Analyst, Software Developer/Engineer, Software QA Engineer, IT Project Manager, Software Sales Manager, Software UI Designer
  • Compile Courses for Software Engineers to meet the upcoming Requirements
  • Popularize the Subject among Students by involving them in Practical Projects

Target Audience

Everybody, who is related to Software Engineering and/or Artificial Intelligence.

Also, people who are neither first nor second, but want to make the world better and still don’t know how (as this is a good way to start).

If you feel you share the same vision, join the AIFORSE Community and get involved in the incredible journey to the new Era of Society Functioning.



AIFORSE Community
AI for Software Engineering

Collaborate to apply Artificial Intelligence Methods for developing Advantageous Conditions to increase Intensity and Efficiency of Software Engineering