Find Your Motive for Improvements

Valentin Grigoryevsky
AI for Software Engineering
2 min readAug 7, 2018

I have always thought about how I can benefit society. Of course, ideas and wishes arose about the creation of different products and services, but there were nothing really specific.

One day I was sitting in the office of one of the Customers of the Company, which I worked for then (we were spending several months there working on site). It was a typical day: meetings with a Customer’s employees, processing the results of meetings and getting prepared for the next day (and so on in a loop).

Right in the middle of such a usual day, just when I was processing Customer’s comments — by manually transferring them one by one from one file to another — I suddenly felt an irresistible attack of melancholy with almost physical pain. I realized that I needed to get out immediately to not let all these emotions go out.

So I went out to get some fresh air. I remember that day very well. It was a wonderful summer day, it was very warm and beautiful outside. Exactly this just brought me back to life and made me understand that life is not over, that there are a lot of good and joyful things around.

And then I began to ponder why this is so — why am I, working in a fairly intellectually loaded industry, doing so many boring tasks that kill my time and creativity. I spent about an hour outside. The worst thing that I realized then is that I have enough will to pull myself together and force myself to continue working, because “that is how it should be”. This annoyed me even more, so I continued to think. I critically looked at the tasks that we do every single day and realized that a large part of them does not require outstanding human abilities and can be automated.

That was the inception of the AIFORSE. The beginning of a great challenge.

