People first: Valentin Grigoryevskiy (AIFORSE Community)

AIFORSE Community
AI for Software Engineering
2 min readNov 6, 2017

“AI for Software Engineering” is a completely new and fast-emerging field of both Software Development Theory and Practice.

We prepared the Interview with Valentin Grigoryevskiy, a Business Development Director at AIFORSE Community, who is working closely with experts in this Subject Matter, to share a bit about his Technical Background, Personal Motivation and Profession Vision.

Valentin Grigoryevskiy, Business Development Director at AIFORSE Community

What is the most complex technical task you have ever solved?

There are different Criteria of Complexity for Tasks we need to solve from day to day. A task may be Complex by tough Timelines, by Communication Issues within the Team or with a Customer, by Lack of Resources and finally, by it’s Nature. I experienced all the mentioned Cases, but sure, when I’m thinking of really Complex ones, the last Category comes to my Mind first.

For me as for a Software Engineer, the most complex and at the same time the most interesting Tasks were related to Coordination of Functionality of different directly and indirectly related Modules of Enterprise-Level Software, which altogether should work as a Single Solution and cover End-to-End Scenarios.

What does motivate you in work?

At the Beginning: Tasks, which by default require Domain Knowledge, Solid Technical Background, and Holistic View.

At the Process: Talented People which I collaborate with to find a Solution, and cases when I need to apply Imaginary and Creativity to think beyond the Limits.
At the End: Working Solution, which brings a Value to its Stakeholders (Users, Customers etc.)

Software Engineer of the future — what is he like?

This is a Professional, who understands, respects and uses in his work the Power of two things: Collective Achievements and Statistic Data.

The First — not to reinvent what is already done, but to create an Additional Value on top of this.

The Second — to make informed Decisions based on known User Behavior and Experience.

What will you be talking about at the Conference?

I will tell about the Perspectives of the Community Development, possible Ways of its Implementation and related Challenges we may face.

If “Software Engineering” was a bicycle, what part would “AI for SE” then be?

I would say this would be a Set of two Systems.

The First one would be placed “on the board” and be responsible for the autonomuos drive (in terms of acceleration, speed and breaks control, so you don’t need to pedal anymore), and also for self-diagnostics to identify and prevent breakages.

The Second one would be responsible for autonomous Repairement.

Valentin will share in details his Vision of further development of the AIFORSE Community at the AIFORSE Conference 2017.



AIFORSE Community
AI for Software Engineering

Collaborate to apply Artificial Intelligence Methods for developing Advantageous Conditions to increase Intensity and Efficiency of Software Engineering