AIFORSE Conference 2017 — how it went

AIFORSE Community
AI for Software Engineering
4 min readJun 27, 2018


AIFORSE Conference 2017 — the first global Conference on using Artificial Intelligence for Software Engineering. For the first time, it was held in Barcelona, Spain, on the 10th of November 2017.

The Leaders and Experts of Software Engineering (SE) and pioneer Innovators of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in SE met on the communication stage to discuss the ways for increasing the efficiency of the Software Engineering Operations and accelerating the Industry Development.

The following topics were covered: applying AI to Software Requirements Management, Code Construction, Testing, Software Maintenance and Project Management.

Meet Industry Pioneers.

Left to right: A.Nicolas, D. Lo Giudice, E.T.Barr, A.Bezzubov
Left to right: S.Bhide, M.Novaes
Left to right: V.Grigoryevskiy, J.Rößler
Left to right: V.Buriak, M.Novaes
Diego Lo Giudice

Diego Lo Giudice, VP, Principal Analyst at Forrester, the Keynote Speaker, made a great introduction into the subject of the Conference with his speech “AI will change Applications and the way we build them. AI industry overview and future direction.”

“This is only the beginning of a big revolution that is starting pretty soon.”

Marcelo Novaes

Marcelo Novaes, Head of Product & Data Intelligence at source{d}, the Keynote Speaker, presented the most mature solutions among those which were introduced at the Event — open-source components that enable large-scale code analysis and machine learning on source code.

“Everyone was very technical and people are very engaged. We should be building this community moving forward.”

Earl T. Barr

Earl T. Barr, Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) at University College London, presented results of his work “RefiNym: Learning Nominal Type Refinements from Identifier Names”.

“The Conference is highly focused on talking about how we can apply AI to solve Software Engineering problems. We made a good first step.”

Vitalii Buriak

Vitalii Buriak, Business Development Manager at, presented a concept solution for how AI can be used to manage Software Documentation.

“The Industry is very young so it’s pretty challenging to launch new startups in the greenfield. Having events like this helps much in promoting the Industry itself.”

Jeremias Rößler

Jeremias Rößler, Founder of ReTest, Speaker, Blogger, Developer & Computer Scientist, shared the ReTest tool, this is used for Software Testing with the help of AI.

“This felt like the first step of a great journey.”

Sudarshan Bhide

Sudarshan Bhide, CTO & Founding Team Member at Acellere, demonstrated how AI can be used for Software Quality Management.

Aurélien Nicolas

Aurélien Nicolas, CTO at Deckard AI, presented a solution for managing Software Engineering Processes.

Valentin Grigoryevskiy

Valentin Grigoryevskiy, Business Development Director at AIFORSE Community, reported about AIFORSE Community Development Vectors and further Collaboration.

“People go first. And first people go further. I thank every Speaker for the trust they credited to us”.

AIFORSE Conference became possible with the help of its Platinum Sponsor — the company Source{d}.


Source{d} develops powerful tools, which can ingest all of the world’s public git repositories turning code into ASTs ready for machine learning and other analyses, all exposed through a flexible and friendly API.

The Community thanks everybody who joined the Event and invites all to watch the upcoming announcements of the next AIFORSE Conference.

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AIFORSE Community
AI for Software Engineering

Collaborate to apply Artificial Intelligence Methods for developing Advantageous Conditions to increase Intensity and Efficiency of Software Engineering