Press Release: AIFORSE Conference 2017

AIFORSE Community
AI for Software Engineering


AIFORSE Conference 2017 — the first global Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Software Engineering — will host on the 10th of November 2017 in Barcelona.

The Leaders and Experts of Software Engineering (SE) and pioneer Innovators of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in SE will meet on Communication Stage to accelerate the Development and increase the Efficiency of the Operations in the Industry.

12 Hours of Networking, Discussions, bright and unique Reports of the 10 best Speakers in the Industry. Speakers are Representatives of Companies from around the World, who already apply AI to the Software Engineering. They will not only disclose the Tools that help solve Problems faster and decrease Costs, but will also define the Development Vector of Software Engineering Industry.

The Program of the Conference is organized in a way to cover SDLC Process based on SWEBOK Areas:

· AI for Software Requirements Management

· AI for Software Design

· AI for Software Construction

· AI for Software Testing

· AI for Software Maintenance

· AI for Software Configuration Management / Process Management

· AI for Software Quality Management

AIFORSE Conference 2017 includes not only a fascinating part of the Conference itself, but also the Demo Zone, where participants can:

· Find the latest Developments of both Startups and Industry Leaders

· Get new Development Opportunities

· Negotiate during the Networking Sessions

· Discuss the Business Issues and establish long-term friendly Relationships in an informal setting during the Networking Party.

Participants of the Conference and the Demo Zone will be Companies of next types:

· Software Development

· AI Solutions for Software Development

· Researchers, Institutes, Communities etc.

The Conference will be useful not only for novice Market Players, but also for the Industry old-timers.

The New Era of Society Functioning is coming.



AIFORSE Community
AI for Software Engineering

Collaborate to apply Artificial Intelligence Methods for developing Advantageous Conditions to increase Intensity and Efficiency of Software Engineering