Software Engineer of Tomorrow Manifesto

AIFORSE Community
AI for Software Engineering
1 min readAug 30, 2017

I am Software Engineer of Tomorrow:

— I am Knowledge

— I am Additional Value

— I am Automation

— I am Rationale

I am Knowledge — I know…

  • I ask Questions
  • I learn, always
  • I search for existing Solutions, Standards and Best Practices
  • I share my Knowledge and help People learn new

I am Additional Value — I know What

  • I don’t create what is already created
  • I reuse as much as possible
  • I improve
  • I contribute

I am Automation — I know How

  • I am against Routine Work and I don’t do it
  • I value Time
  • I appreciate another’s Work
  • I advocate Optimization/Automation and put it into Practice

I am Rationale — I know Why

  • I generate Alternatives
  • I use Data to drive/prove each Decision I make
  • I use Data to estimate both positive and negative Impact of each Solution I create
  • I ensure all this Data is linked, stored and available for Stakeholders



AIFORSE Community
AI for Software Engineering

Collaborate to apply Artificial Intelligence Methods for developing Advantageous Conditions to increase Intensity and Efficiency of Software Engineering