Hello, AI for Software Testing

jason arbon
AI for Software Testing
1 min readMay 27, 2017

Welcome to the AI for Software Testing Association(AISTA). Software testing has yet to fully benefit from the advances in AI (Artificial Intelligence). Classic approaches to software testing are being disrupted by new AI-based products that require new approaches to data driven testing, validation, and measures of quality. AI also presents the opportunity to consider novel approaches to enable software to, well, test itself. AISTA exists to explore these intersections of AI and Software testing.

AISTA was born in the hotel bar of a recent software testing conference. We realized there were other software, AI, and testing nerds just like us, but we didn’t have a focused forum to share our findings and collaborate.

To support AISTA’s mission, we will:

  • Organize Online and Offline Events
  • Distribute a Blog and Newsletter highlighting work in the intersection of AI and Software Testing
  • Host repositories of open Data and Code

Join AISTA at https://www.aitesting.org/membership/ to keep in the loop on AI in Testing, and submit papers on recent work to share with the community.

— Jason Arbon (co-Chair, AISTA)



jason arbon
AI for Software Testing

blending humans and machines. co-founder @testdotai eater of #tunamelts