Empowering Leaders Through AI at One Young World

Lars Buttler
AI Foundation
Published in
3 min readNov 5, 2019

At One Young World, a global forum that identifies, promotes, and connects young leaders to create a better world with more responsible and effective leadership, we were humbled to connect with over 2,000 delegates from 190+ countries all working relentlessly towards a better future for Humanity. These delegates are working alongside some of the most prominent political and humanitarian leaders, such as former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Amnesty International Secretary-General Kumi Naidoo, and HRH Meghan Markle.

At such a remarkable international gathering of people and purposes, we couldn’t think of a better place to begin our mission of making the power of Personal Media and AI accessible for everyone. Onstage at the summit’s Future Day, we demonstrated how three incredible individuals are making progress possible with the help of their own AI.

Meet the People and Their AIs Who Are Making a Difference

Laura Ulloa is a 28-year-old Colombian kidnapping survivor who promotes forgiveness to victims, violent offenders, and the world. With her own AI representing her, Laura plans to enter unreachable or dangerous areas like prisons, war zones, hospitals, and rehabilitation facilities to teach forgiveness all around the world, all the time, and never need to stop for a break.

Laura Ulloa
Laura Ulloa

Geum Hyok Kim is a 27-year-old North Korean refugee and activist who plans to engage ten thousand influential North Koreans to advocate for democracy. With his own AI, Geum Hyok can speak to the ruling elite of his country and reach other North Koreans to change their perspective and get their freedom back.

Geum Hyok Kim
Geum Hyok Kim

And you might already know Sir Richard Branson, who is dedicated to addressing the problems of the world by counseling young leaders. With his own AI, he can advise entrepreneurs and address corporate audiences with strategies to improve the world, now on a limitless scale.

Sir Richard Branson
Sir Richard Branson

Live at One Young World, these three AIs held their own independent conversation onstage, each sharing their respective backgrounds and purposes, closely listening to one another, and learning from each other’s different perspectives. Check out their conversation:

We also heard from hundreds of young delegates on what they would do with their own AI. We were able to start making and training their own AI on the spot. In the coming months, we will continue developing their AIs so the delegates can put them to work to multiply their impact.

At the AI Foundation, our mission is to give this ability to all seven billion people on the planet. And through One Young World, we are starting where we believe AI can make an incredible impact: inspiring and connecting us all.

This is only the beginning, and we’re excited to share what’s to come. Sign up for updates on Personal Media at aifoundation.com and follow us on Twitter (@aifdn) and Instagram (@my.own.ai) to be the first to know about our product launch.



Lars Buttler
AI Foundation

cofounder/CEO at AI Foundation, cofounder at Trion Worlds, cofounder/chairman at Madison Sandhill, cochair at BENS’ National Technology & Innovation Council