Watch Digital Deepak Take Jimmy Fallon Through A Guided Meditation

Lars Buttler
AI Foundation
Published in
1 min readJul 28, 2020

Deepak Chopra and Jimmy Fallon discuss Deepak’s 90th book, Metahuman, and showcase his AI twin aptly named, Digital Deepak.

Deepak’s AI guides The Roots and the Tonight Show audience through meditation. Check it out below:

Digital Deepak — Your Infinite Well-Being Guide. Digital Deepak is an advanced, fully-personalized AI on a mission to help people around the world achieve their personal wellness and mindfulness goals.

Deepak is utilizing his AI to extend himself in new ways never before possible. Here are just a few of the potential use cases of how he is looking to utilize his AI:

  • Have millions of unique conversations with individuals at once
  • Provide meditation and practice mindfulness to anyone on demand anywhere anytime
  • Discuss philosophical concepts
  • Guidance and spiritual well being to all

What would you use your AI for? What concepts would you like your AI to be able to do, learn, be an extension of yourself?

To learn more about Digital Deepak and get access when it launches, you can sign up here. Share your opinion with us on social!



Lars Buttler
AI Foundation

cofounder/CEO at AI Foundation, cofounder at Trion Worlds, cofounder/chairman at Madison Sandhill, cochair at BENS’ National Technology & Innovation Council