Final Year Project Ideas List for All CS, IT, AI and SE Students

Geno Tech
AI Fundementals
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2023

Final Year Research Project Ideas List…

Final Year Project Ideas for CS, IT, AI and SE Students

When I was an IT undergratude student and chose a topic for my final year project, It was tough to find because our supervisors disagreed with our project ideas partially or entirely. So they rejected our ideas or changed by somewhat agreeing with them. But the good news is we can choose a topic in any subject we like. We all know we must follow advanced technological subjects such as ML, Computer vision, NLP, Semantic Web, Agent Technology, etc.

Here I am listing a few final-year projects, already done, but you can extend one or select a project related to one of them. Here I will mention the main topic associated with each. But keep it and remember that these projects are interdisciplinary when implemented.You need to know how to read research papers and write proposals and reports about your findings and implementations. I hope you get an idea from this article.

  1. Image Processing Approach to analyze and interpret medical prescriptions: Computer Vision
  2. Computer vision approach to optimize pedestrian traffic lights
  3. Employee profession analysis system: NLP, Semantic Analysis
  4. E-Newspaper Enhancer: NLP, Semantic Analysis
  5. Detecting Trending Topics in Any Language: Semantic Segmentation
  6. Search engine-optimized content generator: Sentiment Analysis
  7. A tool to analyze healthcare social data: Sentiment Analysis
  8. Metastatic cancer detection: Computer Vision
  9. Flood inundation prediction using GIS: GIS
  10. Product Recognition Assistant Chatbot for visually impaired people in Sinhala: ML, NLP
  11. Digital X-ray image processing system for child bone biological age estimation using carpal bone and hand analysis and dental Xray analysis: Computer Vision, ML
  12. Approach to optimize the accuracy of StackOverflow responses using code clone detection
  13. A system to create a 3D model from a 2D house plan: Computer Vision, ML
  14. Digital Badminton Coach Using 2D Pose Estimation: Computer Vision, ML
  15. Traffic analysis and control using image processing: Computer Vision, ML
  16. Histopathologic-cancer-detection: Computer Vision, ML, Expert Systems
  17. UML Diagram Generator by detecting different tenses: ML, Expert Systems
  18. Extracting Relavent Video Fragments from Video Tutorials for Java: Computer Vision, ML, Expert Systems
  19. Neural Network-Based Approach for Lung Cancer Nodule Detection: ML, ES
  20. Image processing techniques for brain tumour detection: Computer Vision, ML

Please add your comment below if you want any help or further clarifications, Research papers, Datasets, or Sample projects.

All the Best !!!!
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Geno Tech
AI Fundementals

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