How to Contribute to “Everything Programming” Publication

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Published in
3 min readAug 10, 2023


Photo by Karl Pawlowicz on Unsplash

Welcome to “Everything Programming” — your go-to source for all things programming. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting your coding journey, our blog is the platform to share your insights, experiences, and knowledge with the programming community. This guide will walk you through the process of submitting an article to our publication and shed light on the benefits of contributing. We’ll also outline our article selection criteria and provide some examples of successful article topics.

To be added as a writer, please leave a comment. We will then review your profile.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. How to Submit an Article
  3. Benefits of Contributing
  4. Article Selection Criteria
  5. Successful Article Topics

1. Introduction

“Everything Programming” is dedicated to providing programmers, developers, and tech enthusiasts with a platform to share their expertise and insights. We believe in fostering a vibrant community where individuals from all backgrounds can contribute and learn from each other.

2. How to Submit an Article

Contributing to “Everything Programming” is a straightforward process. Here’s how you can share your programming wisdom with our audience:

  • Step 1: Draft your article on a programming-related topic. Make sure it aligns with our focus on programming languages, software development, coding tips, industry trends, and more.
  • Step2: Submit your stories by following this tutorial on how to add a draft or post to publication. If you don’t hear back from us within two days, please assume that we have kindly passed on your submission.
  • Step 3: Our editorial team will review your submission and get back to you within a week. If your article meets our quality and content guidelines, we’ll provide feedback and work with you to refine it if necessary.
  • Step 4: Once your article is approved, we’ll add you as a contributor to our publication. You can then publish your article under the “Everything Programming” brand.

3. Benefits of Contributing

Contributing to “Everything Programming” offers several benefits:

  • Visibility: Reach a broad audience of programmers and tech enthusiasts who are hungry for knowledge and insights.
  • Networking: Connect with fellow contributors, readers, and industry professionals, expanding your network.
  • Skill Enhancement: Writing about programming topics enhances your communication and teaching skills.
  • Personal Branding: Establish yourself as an expert in your field by sharing valuable content.

4. Article Selection Criteria

To maintain the quality and relevance of our blog, we have specific criteria for article selection:

  • Relevance: Articles should be directly related to programming, software development, coding practices, tools, frameworks, or industry trends.
  • Quality: Your article should be well-written, insightful, and provide value to our readers. Proofread and edit your work before submission.
  • Originality: We prefer original content that hasn’t been published elsewhere. If you’re referencing external sources, ensure proper attribution.

5. Successful Article Topics

Here are some article topics that have performed well on “Everything Programming”:

  • In-depth tutorials on programming languages (Python, JavaScript, etc.).
  • Best practices for software development and coding.
  • Exploring new technologies and frameworks.
  • Tips for debugging and troubleshooting code.
  • Case studies of successful projects or startups.
  • Interviews with notable programmers or industry experts.
  • Analyses of coding trends and future predictions.

Feel free to explore these topics or propose other ideas that align with our focus.

I hope this article has been helpful to you. Thank you for taking the time to read it.

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Who am I? I’m Gabe A, a seasoned data visualization architect and writer with over a decade of experience. My goal is to provide you with easy-to-understand guides and articles on various data science topics. With over 250+ articles published across 25+ publications on Medium, I’m a trusted voice in the data science industry.

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