AI Hawk
AI Hawk
Published in
3 min readNov 20, 2017


Dobbiamo avere paura dell’Intelligenza Artificiale?

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10 Important Signs Your Body Is Asking For Help


“The human body and mind are tremendous forces that are continually amazing scientists and society. Therefor…

Computer Vision by Andrew Ng — 11 Lessons Learned


Created in week 4 of the course. Combined Ng’s face with the style of Rain Princess by Leonid Afremov. I rec…

“ Instead, we specify some constraints on the behavior of a desirable program (e.g.,

“ Instead, we specify some constraints on the behavior of a desirable program (e.g., a dataset of input outp…

Neural Net: Dog Version 1.0


“It works.” Two words used to encompass the experience of the simplest of things — the feeling of warmth tha…

Are Humans the Most “Evolved” Species?


The most common trope in biology debates is anthropocentrism versus non-anthropocentrism: “Humans must be de…

JScott Monthly Missive: November Edition

Discoveries The Moral Machine recommended by Dave O. If you were the programmer for a self-driving car, how …

Einstein Bots: Using AI to deliver the Future of Customer Service


Or, Why are We hot for Chatbots? Why now? What happened at Dreamforce’17? Two weeks ago at Dreamforce 2017, …

The difference is the nature of the technology in question.

The difference is the nature of the technology in question. The problem the industrial revolution solved was…

7 metrics for monitoring your chatbot’s performance

GUEST: Researchers estimate we will speak to chatbots more than we speak to our spouses by 2020. Obviously, …

