Go to AI in Healthcare: Do the merits outweigh privacy concerns
AI in Healthcare: Do the merits outweigh privacy concerns
This article basically intends to highlight the merits of integrating AI in Healthcare as well as the ethical and privacy concerns which one needs to be concerned about. The article tries to find a balance between the pros and cons of AI in Healthcare and suggests the path ahead.
Note from the editor

This article basically intends to highlight the merits of integrating AI in Healthcare as well as the ethical and privacy concerns which one needs to be concerned about. The article tries to find a balance between the pros and cons of AI in Healthcare and suggests the path ahead.

Go to the profile of Zeb Burk & Mannshree Sikchi
Zeb Burk & Mannshree Sikchi
I, Zeb Burk and my pal Mannshree Sikchi are second year law students who aspire to bring our ideas and thoughts to the world at large.