Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: How Will AI Transform the Industry?

AI in Healthcare Technology
3 min readOct 13, 2020

Artificial Intelligence in healthcare has been a hot topic in 2018 and will continue to be in 2019, as well. AI, which can be used to train machines to mimic human intelligence, is no longer a subject we can fit in the science fiction category.

The potential of AI in healthcare is huge because this type of intelligence has already gotten more sophisticated at doing things humans can do, but with the advantage that the cost is lower and the efficiency higher.

In the next few years, AI will become more and more prevalent in the healthcare system. In today’s article, we want to point out how things are going to change and how healthcare will be transformed by artificial intelligence.

Staying Healthy

Being in top shape and not needing to see our doctor that often is definitely something we all wish to achieve.

Luckily, consumer health applications are already implementing features which encourage us to adopt a much healthier behavior by helping us manage our lifestyle and control our well-being.

For example, AI can be used to provide personalized workouts and nutrition plans based on your specific needs.

Early Detection

Artificial Intelligence in healthcare can successfully be used to detect diseases such as cancer in the early stages.

Currently, there is an AI software which can diagnose breast cancer with a 99% accuracy. Moreover, the software can even predict breast cancer risk, which is extremely helpful for doctors when monitoring their patients’ health.

This is just one example of how AI can be used in early detection.

Consumer wearables combined with AI will also play a major role as they can detect early-stage heart disease. This can help doctors and caregivers identify potentially life-threatening episodes during stages which are more treatable.


There are several symptom checkers online, yet the majority of them don’t offer accurate and reliable responses to allow users to accurately diagnose themselves.

With Diagnosio, we wanted to make self-diagnosis as easy as possible by taking into account scientific and clinical data.

Thanks to AI and machine learning, Diagnosio analyzes your symptoms and gives you a rapid differential diagnosis.

This means you can say goodbye to googling your symptoms and instead, rely on a tool which uses AI to provide a diagnosis.

AI-Assisted Surgery

Robots can use data from previous medical records and past operations to guide surgeons and perform minimally invasive operations. That’s mainly because the robot will make an incision which is smaller than what a surgeon would need to do.

There is even a study which showed “AI-assisted robotic procedures resulted in five times fewer complications compared to surgeons operating alone”.

Drug Research

On average, it can take up to 12 years for a drug to be released on the market since its research started in the lab. This means it’s not only a lengthy process, but a costly one, as well.

Drug research is a fairly new application of Artificial Intelligence in healthcare, but it’s definitely a promising one because AI can streamline the process and cut both the development time and the costs.

Instead of human doing the actual research for a new medicine, computers would do all of this work in a much more efficient manner.

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Will Change the World

Thanks to AI, people now have more and more options when it comes to taking control of their health. At the same time, this type of intelligence will help doctors understand the history of a patient and provide the best care for them.

In case you want to see what AI can do for you, then go ahead and try Diagnosio for free.

