No more Floating Points, The Era of 1.58-bit Large Language Models

azhar labs
7 min readFeb 29, 2024


The world of Large Language Models (LLMs) is witnessing a paradigm shift, one that could redefine the very fundamentals of how these models are structured and operated. In this article, we delve into a groundbreaking development in the field: the advent of 1.58-bit LLMs. This innovation challenges the conventional norms of deep learning and opens up new avenues for efficiency and accessibility.

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Understanding the Current Landscape of LLMs

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of 1-bit LLMs, let’s set the stage by understanding the current state of LLMs. At their core, LLMs are deep learning models, which are essentially deep neural networks. These networks are composed of multiple layers of neurons, deeply stacked together to process and interpret vast amounts of data.

The operation of these networks hinges on something called “weights.” These weights, which are fine-tuned during the training process, are multiplied in a manner akin to matrix multiplication.

This process demands significant computational resources, typically necessitating the use of GPUs (Graphics Processing Units), especially those from Nvidia equipped with CUDA technology, to handle the intensive high-performance matrix multiplication.

The Limitations of Traditional LLMs

Traditional LLMs are predominantly built as either 32-bit or 16-bit models. This means that each parameter within the model is represented by a 32-bit or 16-bit floating-point number. Floating-point numbers are essentially decimal point values, different from integers which represent whole numbers. The bit depth (32-bit or 16-bit) signifies the precision level of these floating-point numbers. However, this high level of precision comes at a cost: it requires substantial computational power and memory, making LLMs resource-intensive and less accessible.

1-bit LLM Concept

Now, let’s explore the revolutionary concept of 1-bit LLMs. The idea, at its core, is astonishingly simple yet profoundly impactful. Instead of representing each parameter as a 32-bit or 16-bit floating-point number, the 1-bit LLMs represent them as ternary values: -1, 0, or +1. This concept is not entirely new; it draws inspiration from earlier research like the one-bit Transformer from Microsoft.

However, the implementation in the context of LLMs is a novel and transformative step.

Implications of 1-bit LLMs

1. Reduced Computational Requirements: The most immediate impact of 1-bit LLMs is the significant reduction in computational resources required. This makes LLMs more accessible and affordable, potentially democratizing access to advanced AI technology.

2. Energy Efficiency: With reduced computational needs, 1-bit LLMs are inherently more energy-efficient. This is a crucial step towards sustainable AI development, especially in an era where energy consumption of AI systems is a growing concern.

3. Potential in Edge Computing: The lower resource requirement of 1-bit LLMs makes them ideal candidates for edge computing applications, where computational resources are limited.

4. Performance: Remarkably, the paper suggests that the performance of 1-bit LLMs is comparable to their traditional counterparts. This means we can achieve similar levels of efficiency and accuracy with far less resource expenditure.

By incorporating zero as a potential value alongside +1 and -1, we transition from a purely binary representation (as seen in the one-bit Transformer) to a ternary one. This shift from one-bit to what is referred to as 1.58-bit is not just a numerical tweak; it introduces a fundamental change in the model’s learning capabilities.

The Mathematical Underpinnings

In traditional deep learning neural networks, the crux of computation lies in matrix multiplication, often expressed as a dot product. This involves multiplying and adding the weights (W) of the model with the input (X), as per the equation Y = f(W, X). This process, while effective, is computationally intensive and forms the backbone of the GPU dependency in traditional LLMs.

The introduction of ternary values (+1, -1, 0) fundamentally changes this equation. With these integer representations, the model can significantly reduce, or in some cases, completely eliminate the need for multiplication, relying primarily on addition. This reduction is not just a computational convenience; it represents a paradigm shift in how LLMs can be structured and executed.

Implications for Hardware and Performance

By mitigating the need for multiplication, 1.58-bit LLMs dramatically reduce the dependency on specialized hardware like GPUs. This opens the door to a new breed of hardware, specifically tailored for these models. Companies like Groq are already pioneering in this space, developing hardware that is optimized for these new kinds of computational processes.

The Potential of 1.58-bit LLMs

The 1.58-bit approach does more than just reduce computational requirements; it enhances the model’s learning capabilities. The inclusion of zero as a value allows for a more nuanced representation of parameters, leading to potentially more efficient learning processes. This efficiency does not come at the cost of performance; early indications suggest that these 1.58-bit models can match the performance of their higher-bit counterparts.

The story of GPUs in deep learning provides an insightful parallel. Originally designed for gaming and later adopted by cryptocurrency miners, GPUs became a staple in AI due to their efficiency in handling matrix multiplication, the bedrock of deep learning. This shift was partly due to Nvidia’s CUDA technology, which turned their GPUs into a haven for deep learning applications.

Software and Algorithmic Innovation

Alongside hardware, there’s a vast potential for innovation in software and algorithms. The 1.58-bit architecture challenges existing norms and encourages the development of new optimization techniques. This paper isn’t just a theoretical exercise; it’s a practical demonstration of how LLMs can achieve high performance and cost-effectiveness simultaneously.

Performance, Latency, and Energy Efficiency

To put these theories into practice, the researchers compared the 1.58-bit model with a Llama-based LLM architecture. To ensure fairness, they trained the model from scratch on a dataset similar to the Llama dataset. The results were impressive, not just in generating coherent text (measured by perplexity) but also in performing downstream tasks like question answering.

As we analyze the performance of 1.58-bit LLMs, the comparison with Llama LLMs across various parameters reveals striking results. The study examined models with 700 million, 1.3 billion, and 3 billion parameters, finding that in many cases, the 1.58-bit models not only matched but exceeded the performance of equivalent Llama models.

Perplexity and Downstream Tasks

Perplexity, a measure of a model’s ability to predict the next word, is a crucial metric. The lower the perplexity, the better the model’s performance. The 1.58-bit LLMs showed almost equivalent, and in some cases lower, perplexity compared to Llama LLMs, especially in the largest 3 billion parameter model. Beyond next-word prediction,

these models were also tested on various downstream tasks such as question answering and text summarization, using metrics like ARCe, HS. The 1.58-bit models demonstrated superior performance in these areas as well.

Transformer Architecture and Bit Linear

It’s important to note that both the Llama and the 1.58-bit models are based on the Transformer architecture. The critical difference lies in the representation of numbers within the weights and the computation methodology. The 1.58-bit models use what’s known as ‘bit linear’ in place of conventional matrix multiplication, simplifying the computation process significantly.

Improvements in Latency and Throughput

One of the most significant advantages of the 1.58-bit model is the improvement in latency and throughput. The studies showed a 2.7x to 2.4x improvement in latency and a staggering nine times increase in throughput, with the ability to generate 2,977 tokens per second for a 70 billion parameter model. This performance is notably higher than current industry standards, including those set by Groq.

Potential for Diverse Hardware Platforms

The simplicity of the 1.58-bit architecture potentially reduces the need for sophisticated hardware like GPUs, opening up possibilities for running these models on a variety of platforms, including mobile and edge devices. This development could democratize AI, making powerful LLMs accessible on less powerful hardwares.

Scaling Laws and Future Prospects

This breakthrough redefines the scaling laws for LLMs, showcasing how models can be effectively run with significantly reduced hardware requirements. With the 1.58-bit architecture, a 4 billion parameter model, traditionally represented in 16-bit floating-point values, can now be represented in a much more efficient manner. This transition implies an approximate 8–15x improvement in efficiency, which is monumental in the field of AI and deep learning.


The emergence of 1.58-bit LLMs marks a pivotal moment in the evolution of AI technology. With their impressive performance metrics, reduced hardware requirements, and energy efficiency, these models stand to revolutionize how LLMs are developed and deployed. This innovation paves the way for more accessible, efficient, and sustainable AI, opening up new avenues for application and research. The potential for further development in this space is immense, and we eagerly anticipate the advancements that will build upon this groundbreaking work. Stay tuned for more insights and developments in this exciting field of AI.



azhar labs

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