Final Phase: Communication & Wrapup


Process documentation for Interaction Design Studio II, taught by Peter Scupelli at Carnegie Mellon University. Team comprises of Zach Bachiri, Devika Khowala, Hajira Qazi, and Shengzhi Wu.

The final phase for this project entailed designing high-fidelity screens, completing a prototype, creating a concept video, preparing presentation slides, and refining all other concepts and work.

High Fidelity Screens

We completed the high-fidelity screens to place into our prototype. The major components were screens for onboarding, matching, and the chat feature (with other users and with Naya). We then wrote sample conversations and bios for the matching and chat screens.


Icons for onboarding screens
Sample onboarding and profile setup screens
Sample tutorial screens

Home / Navigation


Matching screens


Chat screens, including suggestion chips (left) and the bookmark feature (right)

Naya the bot

Asking Naya for assistance


We finalized our name, Naya (which means “new” in Hindi) and created an animated logo in After Effects:


We placed high-fidelity screens into Principle to create a clickable prototype. Here is a walkthrough of different features.


Matching and bookmarking

Left: Matching users. Right: Bookmarking messages to refer to later

Naya facilitating the conversation

The bot facilitates conversations in two different ways — left: with suggestion chips, and right: by prompting the user.

Left: suggestion chips. Right: prompting the user

Concept video

We began the concept video by writing a script. We then converted the script to a storyboard, recorded a test version of the script, and made a rough cut video:

Based on the rough-cut, we planned out what shots we would need to record, and then scoped out areas on campus where we could record the scenes. The next day, we rented a camera and set out to record footage for the video. This went fairly quickly as we had a good idea of what footage we needed and where we would shoot.

On set in the Meditation Room at CMU

We used to hire a voice actor to record our script. Once we had the narration, we placed the animated logo, narration, and footage into After Effects to create the video. We overlaid a mockup of a phone with the prototype to visualize the interactions of the platform described in the narration. Finally, we added background music to complete the video.

Final Video


For our final presentation, we wanted to present the entire arc of how we progressed through our project, beginning with the initial problem statement and ending with future considerations. The outline of our presentation is:

  • Problem statement
  • Overview of research
  • Concept & concept video
  • Platform features
  • AI system
  • Learning objectives & methods
  • Future considerations

We decided to start with all new visuals for our final presentation, so we redesigned the slides and created all new icons.

We added the following concepts to our final presentation, which had not been presented prior.

AI System Knowledge Map

We developed a knowledge map to illustrate the knowledge base AI draws from. The map demonstrates how AI continues to learn and develop more relevant connections between connections, which then feeds into better suggestions to the user.

Initially, all the connections are of equal relevance (left), but as users interact more with the suggestion chips, the AI system learns which connections are more relevant, and strengthens those connections.

Left: connections of equal relevance. Right: connections strengthened through user interaction

How learning happens

We are using a social networking platform to push information to users in a collaborative learning environment that fosters cultural exchange, preparing users for the transition to a new country.

Our platform bridges the gap between international students’ current state of unconscious incompetence to the desired state of (un)conscious competence, with each feature of the platform facilitating that learning in some respect.

Future considerations

  • Scale to groups: Now that we tackled cultural learning in a 1-on-1 context, how can we better integrate cultural learning through our bot facilitation into our group feature?
  • Post-arrival: How does this platform evolve with students as they arrive on campus and continue learning?
  • Expand scope: How could this solution scale to other immigrant groups to help them overcome their cultural transitions?

