Do This = 10x Reads (no one shares this)

My personal secret to get more and more reads

Manish Dangi
Life Matters
4 min readJan 11, 2024


Snapshot of Medium Author Stats

Many people are asking how you get so many views and reads as they read my last post…

Well, I am revealing my secret in this post…

Consistent Writing

If you read my stories, you know that is the thing I maintain every time.

I learned early on that consistently writing articles is really important if I wanted to be successful on Medium.

I mean just look at me my boy… I wrote almost 180 article in last 3 months.

I mean, if you desire influence and a strong readership, sticking to a steady writing schedule is critical.

Simply put, writing randomly every once in a while leads to fewer views and less engagement with readers.

To maximize impact, experts recommend publishing 10–12 articles per week.

But consistency doesn’t necessarily mean writing every single day forever.

It means dedicating yourself to regular and organized writing. By doing so, you can create meaningful change in a short timeframe.

With every article, I have a valuable chance to fascinate my readers and position myself as a leader in my niche.

Therefore, I’m committed to steady writing so I can expand my influence and success on Medium over time.

Quality Content

Creating interesting and useful content is essential to achieve writing success on Medium…

This is the first thing you should consider in your post…

In order to grab and keep my readers’ attention, high-quality articles are crucial.

Poorly written content fails to bring in readers and can stall progress.

I focus on delivering value and fascinating my audience with well-crafted pieces.

I take the time to proofread and edit my work, ensuring it’s polished and free of errors.

By providing insightful ideas, perspectives, and practical information, I raise the probability of earning more readership and cultivating a dedicated following.

I have to remember — quality content resonates with readers, leaving a lasting impact.

So I invest in refining my writing abilities and publishing content that stands out.

Effective Promotion

Strategically and successfully promoting my work is vital for gaining readership and extending my reach on Medium.

To optimize promotional attempts, I consider several key strategies:

First, utilize social media platforms — leverage sites like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to share articles and attract new readers.

Second, get involved in the Medium community — actively chat in discussions, comment on peer writing, and join relevant groups to make connections and gain visibility.

Third, team up with other writers and publications — seek out cross-promotion with like-minded creatives to tap into their audiences and expand reach.

Fourth, use relevant keywords — incorporate targeted terms in articles and social posts to enhance discoverability and access wider audiences.

Finally, leverage Medium’s offerings — take advantage of publications and communities to showcase work and bond with readers who have similar interests.

Engaging and Nurturing Audience

Actively engaging with my readers is essential for constructing a successful Medium writing career.

Simply publishing great articles is not enough; I have to consistently interact with my audience to nurture a dedicated following.

Promptly responding to responses and messages indicates I value their feedback and establishes community.

Encouraging input through my writing also cultivates deeper connections with readers.

Persistence and Patience

Building a fruitful Medium writing career necessitates resolute commitment to persistence and patience.

Achieving success doesn’t happen overnight;

it requires dedication and perseverance through obstacles.

Here are key factors YOU remind YOURSELF:

Don’t worry about initial low engagement.

Just focus on increasing skills.

Learn from other successful article strategies. Stay devoted to writing goals and keep pushing through.

Celebrate small wins along the journey.

In the end, persistence and patience are fundamental for constructing readership and achieving writing success on Medium.

It takes time to build an audience — every step forward brings me closer to my aspirations. I have to stay tenacious, focused and keep writing.

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